I just have to admit it -- I simply love e!online & their awesome gossip columns! TabFab & Ask the AnswerB!tch especially - so spunky, sassy & simply fab! It's not really the gossips, but rather the way they're writing kinda...<3! :)
Ps! My wishes for the new year? GET VICTORIAS SECRET TO NORWAY GDAMMIT!!!!! *cry* 30$ shipping!?!? *sighs*
Ps! My wishes for the new year? GET VICTORIAS SECRET TO NORWAY GDAMMIT!!!!! *cry* 30$ shipping!?!? *sighs*
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My little cutiepie!!! (and my hubby alright :p)
Notice the matching little shoes! =)
Now, I'd love a grownup version of this dress, preferrably one which's short (above the knees :P) and got long splits at the sides kinda. I'm told it's called...hm...dao sai or something like that....*me & my teflon brain* *rolls eyes* ...anyways...I've found a couple on the net, but they're like, 80-100$ or more.... I need a cheaper version, cause...it's just a fun clothing experiment since I'm asian looking and all that, thought it'd be fun & cool having such a dress then kinda :)
If anyone find one, lemme know please :p
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...and I think we're done with all the presents and greetingcards - yay! I've also been a good housewife (haha) & made six different cakes, cookies and candies for Christmas. When it comes to food, I really am a good housewife - but that's also pretty much the only housewifeish area that I excel at - I really really suck at cleaning up and that kinda stuff. Give me five minutes in a clean, tidy kitchen and you honestly won't recognize it after - but it doesn't matter that much, cause hopefully my food will make you forget that (alright, that doesn't really work on my husband, but...).
Now, off to make an attempt at cleaning up a tad ....
Now, off to make an attempt at cleaning up a tad ....
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One of the things that I personally consider "grownupish", is the tradition of sending Christmas greetings around Christmastime (well duh). I *think* I may have tried it once before, but well.... coming from someone who's always way delayed when it comes to sending out thank-you cards, expecting me to be able to send out Christmas Greetings in time every year......well....*boggle*
Anyways...this year we were like, hmm, we should, but do we really wanna bother?
Then two days ago I got so inspired by looking at other peoples Christmas pictures that I just decided aw screw it lets go :P
And here's the results :)
Just hope that people I sent the greetings to get it in time :p
And while I'm in the Christmassy mood - Have a Joyful Christmas all of you

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From left to right; Beata, her son Isaac, daughter Zara, my sister Pia, her two girls Rebecca and Tuva, my kid Adrian, myself and my Amalie :)
Gonna stay here until Saturday, then we'll jet back home to Bergen. :) (and boy how I do look forward to taking a plane all by myself with a buggy kid, a whiny baby and loads of luggage....yey!)
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Sure thing, I'd love to pay 21 360 NOK instead of 12 990 NOK for a plasmascreen. No worries, I'll dish out 3300 instead of 1990 for that camera. And hell yeah, I'll pay 33 960 instead of 20 675 for the complete Christmas offer of various electronic stuff!! WHAT A FREAKIN BARGAIN!
So, lemme just ask; are people outta their minds?!?
Last time I checked, 21 360 is a way lot more than 12 990. Same thing with 33 960 instead of 20 675. And if I'm not too mistaken, it's still possible to get smaller loans in the bank for a reasonable fee rather than borrowing money from the store just to get some funky showoffthing - and pay like double- 1/3rd more its worth (And oh, don't forget the initial fee of 395 to establish the loan itself. But hey, it's cheap, it really is, according to their webpages).
God, I'm not sure why it annoys me, but it sure does -- the commercials on TV and in the papers and stuff -- get loans for free TODAY. Don't have money? Don't worry, we'll THROW the money after you without checking your financial status - just send an SMS or email us and it'll be fixed in no time! And then there is all these "thank you Thorn" and "weee the Deal man is here with our way too expensive stuff" commercials...I guess they're directed at people who didn't bother learning math at school. *scoff* And since they keep affording and doing these expensive commercials, it sure means they do get an income, which means there's actually people going for these stuff....?
Maybe they bother me because I consider these to be organized scams for people of lower class or eh, weaker mind? And it's annoying that it seem to be so accepted today....*roll eyes again for the n'th time*
I really shouldn't bother, I'm not even affected by this, but still it annoys me!!
Jeez....Merry Christmas btw, in case I forget this later on :P
So, lemme just ask; are people outta their minds?!?
Last time I checked, 21 360 is a way lot more than 12 990. Same thing with 33 960 instead of 20 675. And if I'm not too mistaken, it's still possible to get smaller loans in the bank for a reasonable fee rather than borrowing money from the store just to get some funky showoffthing - and pay like double- 1/3rd more its worth (And oh, don't forget the initial fee of 395 to establish the loan itself. But hey, it's cheap, it really is, according to their webpages).
God, I'm not sure why it annoys me, but it sure does -- the commercials on TV and in the papers and stuff -- get loans for free TODAY. Don't have money? Don't worry, we'll THROW the money after you without checking your financial status - just send an SMS or email us and it'll be fixed in no time! And then there is all these "thank you Thorn" and "weee the Deal man is here with our way too expensive stuff" commercials...I guess they're directed at people who didn't bother learning math at school. *scoff* And since they keep affording and doing these expensive commercials, it sure means they do get an income, which means there's actually people going for these stuff....?
Maybe they bother me because I consider these to be organized scams for people of lower class or eh, weaker mind? And it's annoying that it seem to be so accepted today....*roll eyes again for the n'th time*
I really shouldn't bother, I'm not even affected by this, but still it annoys me!!
Jeez....Merry Christmas btw, in case I forget this later on :P
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Where did the days go!?!? We're already at December, the last month of the year...I've turned a year older/wiser (okay, the latter's maybe a tad dubious :p), became a mother of two and been married for a year already - and I really don't know how everything's happened so fast..
I guess what they say about life is true, the older you get the faster time flies....and it's already too fast for me :(
God I really am gettin old rambling like this :p
I guess what they say about life is true, the older you get the faster time flies....and it's already too fast for me :(
God I really am gettin old rambling like this :p
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