Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Tutorial: Canvas covered book ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So, I had a request all the way from Jamaica (*waves!*) about how to create the canvasbook shown in the last post.

Well, I had actually taken images of the process step-by-step-ish, but wasn’t sure whether there were “need” for me to post such a tutorial or not. Sooo am happy somebody actually asked! :)


Step one – gather some sheets of papers for the content. The papers I used was ledger ones from Prima from last season. Wasn’t sure how to use them otherwise *blush*. 
Cut and stack them like, 3-4 sheets together.
(I didn’t measure mine before sending off the projects to CHA I’m afraid. I eyeballed stuff and I *think* they’re like, slightly less than 5x7 inches when folded)


I used the sewing machine to stitch together the middle – but if you don’t have a sewing machine – don’t worry – just use staples :)


Now, take a sheet of canvas (I used the new Poppies & Peonies-collection from Prima) and adhere three rectangles of cardboard like shown above. The rectangles need to be slightly larger than your folded ledgerpapers/contents, and you need to remember to space them out some like shown above so it will fold properly. You can use patterned paper instead of canvas np, you might just want to strengthen the middle part/parts that’ll be folded when done (with either bookbindertape, canvas, extra paper, or cover the whole book in multi medium/sealer, preferably w/two layers...).


Right. Talking too much. Cut the corners like shown.


I used these clothespins to help securing the canvas while the adhesive was drying. A bonefolder to help folding the edges is always appreciated!


Find a proper length of trim or ribbon, adhere to the middleish of the book like this.


Cut another sheet of canvas to cover the insides. More clothespins!


Don’t forget to fold it some too during drying so you’re sure the folds looks pretty and stuff before it dries completely!

Then as for the contents…just add lots of liquid glue in the middle & secure the folded sheets tightly inside. Let it dry “standing”.


Then….decorate stuff….I went for a simple decoration for this one, since the canvas was pretty in itself :)


Hope you enjoyed this one :)

Edited to add this q:


Amanda Said,

6:43 PM

This is gorgeous! Can you buy the canvas from the Prima website or do you have to buy it elsewhere? I've enver used canvas before

Thank you!

The canvas shown here are part of the new releases coming out this Spring. To my knowledge you can’t buy directly from Prima, but it should be available in stores some weeks after CHA (which starts next week actually). For online ones you could try Two Peas in a Bucket,, or Frantic Stamper – have no idea if they’ll take in this specific canvas, though. And there’s some stores doing preorders too, but I’m afraid I dunno which. Oh and for plain canvas I can recommend Claudine Hellmuths Studio sticky canvases. Hm. I’m not of much help, eh?


Right. Want more CHA-peeks?

I’m in love with these tiles from Prima…

Not to mention these genie stones!

Drop by the Prima-blog and check out the gorgeous jewelleries the other DT-gals whipped up! I wanna make me some too! Plus – there’s giveaways going on. Giveaways = win!

Not to mention the Maya Road peeks – more giveaways there too!!

These rhinestone-trims might very well be one of my faves…

Alright. Have some off days coming up, which’s great, cause I have a growing list of favors and cards I need to create/prettify. Why do people have their birthdays and other stuff like, all at once?? :p


Oh, and then there’s the Marit Larsen-concert this Friday. Wheee!!

10 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Tutorial: Canvas covered book ~~'

  1. Anonymous Said,
    6:43 PM

    This is gorgeous! Can you buy the canvas from the Prima website or do you have to buy it elsewhere? I've enver used canvas before


  2. Maya Said,
    7:57 PM

    Denne var bare LEKKER!!


  3. 9:34 PM

    so pretty!


  4. Solfrid Said,
    3:36 PM

    Så flott! Fikk lyst til å lage en sånn med en gang:-)


  5. Yvonne Said,
    4:14 PM

    Yea!!! I'm doing this ASAP. Thanks so much.


  6. 2:25 AM

    Thank you so much for the tutorial! It is beautiful, I'm going to give it a try.


  7. 8:58 PM

    todo es maravilloso


  8. Anonymous Said,
    2:26 AM

    Hello. Is it possible to buy these scrapbooks from you - they are lovely?


  9. Michelle Said,
    6:49 PM

    Fabulous!!! Thank you so much for the tutorial! I picked up a few tips.



  10. Trish Said,
    10:08 PM

    THANK YOU so much for this tutorial. I intend to make one very shortly & you've just shown how simple it is. I guess a fabric cover would be much the same?


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-