Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ 5th bloganniversary tutorial: simple card ~~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Edit: the giveaway has now been closed & winner picked. Comments still open though, in case of question and stuff :)

Mkay, not quite sure what to call this card other than, a simple card – is it a tri or twofold? Hm. Does the “fold” part for a card mean how many folds there actually is (two here), or how many “pages” (three)? Hm. Someone enlighten me please :p

Regardless, figured I should just do a quick and easy tutorial for today – it’s by no means revolting or anything, I just find it…somewhat cute. More like a tip, kinda.


This card is made outta a 12x6 inch long strip. Simply put – just cut a 12x12 sheet in half.

However, don’t fold it the “usual” way. Fold it like this diagram: card Don’t worry if you don’t follow the measurements exactly. Personally I just fold by eyeballing it. (I want a Scor-It or similar though!)adriankort2

Anyways. Slap a 5x5 (or 5 1/2 x 5 1/2) embellished square in front which will hide your smartass comment/greeting on the shortest flip when closed. On my card it’s just a cute “hooray for you” quote + an adorable little monster hiding behind the square. But I sort of imagine that a snarky/sassy comment would be fun to have on this spot (given that you actually know the recipient that well :p)

Materials used: Fancy Pants Designs – “Rough and Tough”, Kraft letters, little monster from “Trick or Treat”, Adornit miniletters.

Hope you enjoyed this simple card-tip.

Here’s another peek of what’s in the giveaway – you guessed it – Fancy Pants Designs goodies:

FPgiveawayA mix of older and newer (My Family! Straight from the CHA-W10 release! :) ) collections :)

To enter this giveaway – just comment away (dunno what to comment? How about suggesting a book to read for me? :) And while I´m on the topic of books, let me just declare that I *love* Neil Gaimans penship (penmanship?). Check him out if you haven´t already.)

Thanks a lot for playing along, and come back tomorrow for the last tutorial before the drawing of the giveaway on Thursday ♥ :) (and if you haven’t entered the giveaway before, feel free to check out the other posts – scroll down :) )

And yeah I love reading all the comments ♥ to those of you who commented on my worktable – yes – it’s cluttered and messy. I’d like to say it’s because it’s small, but it’s really not – my whole part of the office (shared office w/hubby & the kids, where I have 1/2 part of it and they the rest) is terribly, embarrassingly messy *blush* My excuse? “Hey, I’m actually using this space, that’s why it shows”. It’s a poor excuse though :p

And using mailtape as grownup-bangles - that´s an awesome idea (not sure why I didn´t think of it myself), I´ll have to check it out asap - thanks! :) And yes – I’m a Fiskateer – and that scissor is one of my total tool-faves!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ :)

39 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ 5th bloganniversary tutorial: simple card ~~'

  1. 12:27 PM

    thanks for the quick tute - I am always trying to figure out ways to make some nice boy (and man!) cards. This is awesome :)


  2. Anonymous Said,
    12:44 PM

    Hmm... Jeg leser Knausgård for tiden og liker han som forfatter verldig godt. Antar du har lest American Gods og Anansi Boys?


  3. Claude Said,
    1:03 PM

    Thanks for the tutorial, I have yet to tried out such a card.


  4. Ann Cicilie Said,
    1:28 PM

    Artig ide til et litt annerledes kort!

    Bøker, hm... Har ikke lest annet enn bøkene om Harry Hole og Wallander på lang tid!


  5. 1:41 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. 1:42 PM

    That is such a cool card for a guy! As for a book I could recommend, try "Plain Song" by Kent Haruf!


  7. chksngr Said,
    1:43 PM

    How adorable! I love the masculine hard to find good examples of those!


  8. Ann Hedvig Said,
    1:58 PM

    Har brukt denne bretteteknikken før, men ikke slik.

    Takk for tipset Ania ;o)


  9. Lilly Said,
    2:41 PM

    What a cool card =D I love it.
    About a book sugestion...I really like Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.


  10. 2:53 PM

    Now even I could manage that card. It's lovely. Book wise I recommend anything by Tad Williams although my favourite is the Shadowmarch trilogy of which number 3 has just arrived.


  11. Wenche Said,
    2:58 PM

    Kjempestilig kort, med morsom bretteløsning. DIGGER arkene og fargevalgene dine.


  12. Jana Eubank Said,
    4:03 PM

    I don't think I've ever made a tri-fold card. I'm definitely giving this a try soon. Thanks for the tip! ;)


  13. Blooberry56 Said,
    4:12 PM

    ohh, i love that card! i love that collection, too. Super cute! I'm not really a card maker, but i've been trying recently...thanks for the inspiration! And you should read...Well, I'm not a sci-fi fan, but my fave book ever is Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card. He's a great author, anything by him is great!


  14. Jingle Said,
    5:08 PM

    That card is super stinking cute! I love it! And...yes, Gaiman is pretty awesome! I love the stuff he does for children!


  15. Regina Said,
    5:24 PM

    Hi, what a super-fun "boy" card!!! I'm always need ideas for the guys.
    Thanks for your tutorial and inspiration!


  16. Catrine Said,
    5:51 PM

    Så flott kort! Har brukt teknikken før, men uten å "gjemme" bretten bak forsiden. :)
    Og jeg tror det heter trifoldkort etter hvor mange sider, ikke etter antall bretter...
    Ha en flott tirsdagskveld! *klem*


  17. Eli Said,
    5:52 PM

    Vi er jo ikke helt på bølgelengde på bokfronten; det har vi vel funnet ut av *fnis* Meeen - kortet er fiint (der ser du; flere enn meg som syns det og. Er det nå jeg skal si hva sa jeg? ;) )


  18. Lythan Said,
    5:54 PM

    HOw about the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson with a kick a** heroine and a twisty turny plot whats not to love. Its as funky as your card!


  19. 5:59 PM

    Super cute card!!! Thanks for the tutorial and the measurements! I'm definitely going to try making one!


  20. Scrapamum Said,
    6:16 PM

    Another great tute! This really is a lot of fun.


  21. Jinny Newlin Said,
    7:31 PM

    Such a cute idea! Boy cards can sometimes be tough, for me.


  22. Jinny Newlin Said,
    7:32 PM

    I've become a follower :)... just too many new & cute ideas to miss! Thanks!


  23. Jennifer Said,
    8:17 PM

    Thanks for the tutorial ... cute card! My favorite book I just read "The Happiness Project" ... it was incredible!


  24. Heidi Said,
    9:44 PM

    WOW!!!!! Super flott!!!


  25. Kari D. Said,
    9:59 PM

    Raising Happiness by Dr. Christine Carter is a great book! It's all about how we can help raise our children to be on the path to happiness. It's a fun and easy read. Check it out on Amazon! Love, love love the card by the way!


  26. 10:50 PM

    I am an eyeballer too!

    jlh774 at gmail dot com


  27. andrea f. Said,
    11:39 PM

    Just found your blog through Kenner Road on Facebook :) Horray! Another fun blog to add to my list!! Super cute card!


  28. 12:44 AM

    Love seeing a "boy" card! Girly cards are more fun to make. I sort of get stuck trying to think of one for a boy. Great idea!


  29. Haberdawoman Said,
    1:04 AM

    What a cool card!
    As for your "messy creative space" I am so glad I am not the only one with a messy space :)


  30. Ellis Said,
    7:52 AM

    Cool card and great colors on it!
    If you haven't read Steve Augarde, I can recommend him! =)
    Hugs, Elenor


  31. Malin/malwa Said,
    10:24 AM

    No matter if it's called two- or threefold - it's a card I might be able to actually *create*! (Me, not being a distress- or PM-goddess... ;) ) It's lovely - I like "simple"!


  32. Zarah Said,
    1:47 PM

    Läckert! Smart med vikningen!


  33. 1:51 PM

    Kult kort! Virkelig et skikkelig tøft GUTTE kort :D


  34. Anonymous Said,
    2:49 PM

    Funky kort, i kjent Ania-stil!
    Vil anbefale deg å lese City of Bones, første av tre bøker... Hvis du liker sjangeren, så er det helt supre bøker (går for å være Buffy i bokform)...


  35. Kathrine Said,
    2:53 PM

    Stilig kort!
    Jeg har begynt å lese Henning Mankell sine Wallanderbøker, men de er jo ikke akkurat nye. Jeg leser mest krim - favoritten er Jo Nesbøe sine bøker om Harry Hole.


  36. 3:01 PM

    totally awesome card, ania! i *think* this is a two-fold card :D not sure as well, lol! thanks!!
    and no need to excuse the messy table.. totally love it heehee


  37. Kristine Said,
    9:31 AM

    Flotte kort!

    Bøker ja - her går det mest i krim (Harry Hole for eksempel) eller chick-lit (Marion Keynes for eksempel). Akkurat nå leser jeg Stephen Fry in America, som gir et inblikk i et litt annet USA enn det man ser på TV og film - spennende!


  38. connie Said,
    3:11 PM

    cute card! thanks for the tutorial. I love to read James Patterson books.


  39. Pink Heather Said,
    7:38 PM

    I just finished reading the latest Sophia Kinsella book. 'Twenties Girl'. It was so funny! laugh out loud funny. My family kept asking what the joke was. LOL


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-