Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Thursday Tutorial: Add Scallops! ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, February 24, 2011


I’m continuing diggin’ thru my various tutorials previously written for other blogs/sites. Todays tutorial was created for an event at the Minneriket-forum back in 2008, a Norwegian forum for scrapbooking.

It looks like the original post is lost, but I still have the images, so I’ll just write the text anew (plus, it was originally written in Norwegian anyways :)).


It’s quite simple adding instant interest by just adding scallops to your projects. Take this layout for instance – to the left is the original one without scallops, and to the right, the finished version w/scallops added :) It does add quite the difference, don’t you think?


Just grab big scalloped scissors (or trimmer or puncher) – cut scallops and trim them so you can add them behind the patterned paper. Push the paper somewhat upwards to add more interest (isn’t this a funny expression? “to add more interest” – I think it sounds somewhat, pretentious….but sometimes that’s just what it does sorta…ahwell..:p)


You can also add scallops to a brad by using a regular pair of scalloped scissors (mine’s from Fiskars). Attach brad to paper, cut around, and slit small cuts in between the scallops, add some ink and fold the now “petals” some.


My favorite way to use scalloped scissors however, is probably with die cuts/chipboard-shapes, like this one. Or with journaling-tags.


And if you wanna be fancy – punch holes onto the scalloped border after you’re done (remember – this was probably before the border-punches w/holes in them came out :p At least before I myself got them, as I haven’t bothered doing this since I got the borderpunches w/scallops & holes in them :p)

All the stuff here is from Fancy Pants Designs, by the way :)



listening: “Vår beste dag” – Marit Larsen
eating: nothing atm..
drinking: coffee
wearing: my “channel your inner goddess” shirt :p
feeling: cold :/
weather: …..snow!? wth..
wanting: help
needing: help..pc acting up :(
thinking: that I’m starting to like my new haircut/do more :)
enjoying: some quiet time..finally..maybe I’ll even get to scrap some! :p
wondering: you iPhone-people w/PC, what do you use to organize the pictures with? I mean, I use LR3 to import the images to my PC, but I have to delete the images manually on the iPhone, which I often forget/is boring, hmm, what to use to easier delete stuff with? I don’t want to delete them all either, I want to be able to keep specific images etc..(like, delete stuff on the PC and have it sync w/the phone…wo actually deleting the imported-to-PC-images as well)



listening: to the zergs :)
eating: my procrastinator-nutella-with-peanutbutter-muffins (am in the middle of writing an article and am sort of fighting with the words so I decided to just do something else for a bit….not that it really helped :( ) they’re yummy though!
drinking: cold coffee :p
wearing: um, my new haircut…WITH bangs! =) I haven’t had bangs since I was like, well, a child probably, I can’t really recall the last time I had bangs (then again, I can’t remember what I had for dinner two days ago…or what my children weighted/measured at their birth..which apparently sort of qualifies as a crime among mothers :p)….plus the hairdresser added some color+light strips (? what’s the word here?) to the hair….I’m trying to get accustomed to this new look, but I really do think I like it so far…
feeling: despite fighting words, pretty happy (bc of the hair + muffins)
weather: um…okayish..not so cold..still nice w/sun and stuff..
wanting: a good recipe on peanutbutter-cupcake…I loved this one, but it was pretty airy and sweet (I need to reduce the amount of sugar next time) – I want a more lunch-kind-of-muffin/cupcake..
needing: to finish this article I’m trying to write..
thinking: that it would be nice to have the words handed to oneself on a silver platter :p
enjoying: wallowing in selfpity ;p
wondering: why oh why do I still have those weird dreams >< I have a very amazing fantasy when asleep, that’s for sure :p

4 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Thursday Tutorial: Add Scallops! ~~'

  1. Tanja Said,
    3:02 PM

    Thanks for the little but very helfpul tip how you add scallops to a brad!


  2. 1:02 AM

    Love how the scallops make the layout pop. Thanks for the tip on scalloping a brad. Streaks put in the hair here are called highlights.


  3. 1:02 AM

    Oh, forgot--post a photo of your new 'do.


  4. Mari Said,
    8:21 AM

    hello, show us the new haircut!!! You can't tell about it two times in a row, without showing!:)



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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-