Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ 5th bloganniversary tutorial: Homemade Bangles ~~

Posted by Ania On Saturday, March 13, 2010

Edit: the giveaway has now been closed & winner picked. Comments still open though, in case of question and stuff :)

Thanks so much for all the comments entered already! :)
Today I’m gonna do a fun tutorial inspired by the Hambly Screenprints make’n’take at CHA W-10, where they decorated wooden bangles with Hambly rubons. And ofcourse - with this new post there's a new chance for you to get new tickets to the giveaway :)

bangles_tutorial1 My bangles however, isn’t made of the wooden kind. It’s not really wearable by me either. It’s too small. But it’s great if you have kids in the house – kids with slim hands. Like my four, soon-to-be-five year old daughter. And I bet you have the resources at home already. Or will in a while anyways :p I made hers from used glue dots rolls. I’m sure you can find cheap wooden bangles in craft/jewellery stores and stuff. I just haven’t been looking :p

bangles_tutorial2You’ll need gesso. It might not be entirely necessary, but it helps preparing the material for the paint applied later on (and also means you’ll need less paint sort of). Apply it everywhere on the rings. Apply it twice – and allow it to really get dry in between. I placed them on a sheet of scrap cardstock and put them a safe place so I could work on something else in between the drying. (Oh, and this is where my hands are pretty much covered in gesso because I find it more fun using my fingers than looking for a brush or applicator….)

bangles_tutorial3Time to apply the paint. I went for red and black. Crimson red with touch of satin finish (such a lovely color) from Marie’s acrylic paint (a pretty cheap brand). The black used is “Pitch Black” dabber paint from Adirondack. Just unscrew the dabber-top and – again – use your fingers (or look for a new brush/applicator) to apply the paint. If using fingers like me, make sure you only work with one color at a time and wash your hands between the colors ;p Apply this coat twice, letting the paint dry in between the coats.

bangles_tutorial4Apply rubons. Just let the motifs continue around the edges and stuff. This rubon comes from a toy-store (My Little Pony ♥ )


Feel free to apply rubons on the insides too. Kids loves that! Apply some kind of coating medium/sealer on the bangle afterwards, both to protect the rubons&paint for wear and to give the bangle a cool look. Like with this Glossy multi-medium from Claudine Hellmuth Studio. Gives it a really shiny, glassy finish.bangles_tutorial6

For the red bangle I used gold “Doilies” rubons from Hambly Screenprints and a satin matte spray sealer. Gave it such a lovely look :)


Here’s the lucky wearer of these bangles – she instantly loved them and keeps bragging to everybody who wants to hear that her mommy made these for her ♥ (I’m thinking it’s ok, she’s only four, she can brag about her mommy all she wants *wink*)


Hope you’ve been enjoying the tutorials so far :)
Here’s another peek at what’s inside the giveaway – lovely Prima stuff (pretty much all of my faves are in there) and some Hambly too :)

For another chance at the giveaway where one lucky winner will get everything’s displayed till now (drawing happening at March 18th), just simply drop me a comment here. To get a second ticket to the giveaway, just follow my blog (see button to the right, or click here) and drop me a second comment. If you’re already a follower just comment and let me know right away :)

Stay tuned for more tutorials coming up :)

57 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ 5th bloganniversary tutorial: Homemade Bangles ~~'

  1. 12:17 PM

    Can't believe you do all that painting with your fingers! Why haven't I thought of that!


  2. 12:17 PM

    Oh, and I've signed up to be a follower too. Love your work :)


  3. Heidi Said,
    12:20 PM

    WOW!!!!! Kult!!!!!


  4. annkan Said,
    2:38 PM

    Wow- another one!!
    Of course I am now a follower- and would try it twice also on this one. :-)

    Have a nice weekend!

    Ps. Like your tutorials. :-)


  5. 3:05 PM

    I am following your blog in my RSS feeder and I just signed up for google follower.
    Talk about a cool recycling project! Lucky girl!
    Thanks for such a nice giveaway!


  6. Wenche Said,
    5:15 PM

    Å utrolig stilig. WOW.


  7. Wenche Said,
    5:16 PM

    Og vipps så var jeg google følger av bloggen din også ;-) Herlig blogg du har, som jeg ofte har kikket i.


  8. Ingrid Aukan Said,
    5:24 PM

    Jeg ville ELSKET å vinne denne giveawayen. :)


  9. 5:59 PM

    Kjempesilige armeband :) og yummiyumm candy!! Er også følger :)


  10. Lythan Said,
    6:06 PM

    What a great idea. Thanks for all the creativity and the stunning inspiration. (and a fab giveaway too!)


  11. 7:23 PM

    What a creative idea! Would never have thought of that. Thanks for another chance to win.


  12. banglamarie Said,
    7:52 PM

    Kjempestilig!! Du er utrolig flink og kreativ!!


  13. Jinny Newlin Said,
    8:01 PM

    I'm trying again for that amazing giveaway! What a fun tutorial, and great pics!


  14. Mette Said,
    8:09 PM

    Super ide, armbåndene ble kjempesøte:)


  15. Eli Said,
    8:33 PM

    Kjempelekre - og enda finere i RL (om mulig!):) Heldige Amalie :)


  16. 8:46 PM

    Another fantastic idea!!! My girls are 2 and 3 and this project would be perfect! Off to check for some empty glue dot rolls :)


  17. Jennifer Said,
    10:19 PM

    Super cute tutorial! :) Thanks for the fun giveaway.


  18. Kathy K Said,
    10:29 PM

    What a cute idea!! I'm a follower too.


  19. Monica Said,
    10:49 PM

    Oh my God Ania. How cool was this?? Utrolig kreativt! *storimponert*


  20. Blooberry56 Said,
    10:52 PM

    adorable!!! I cant wait until my little girl is big enough to wear bracelets!!!


  21. Blooberry56 Said,
    10:52 PM

    follower here! againm totally neat!


  22. joyce rodli Said,
    11:03 PM

    Hi there Ania,came here through Amy Wing and I am off to play with this tutorial using an empty mailing tape roll as my bangle...they have come in handy around the house as pedestals when I am not wearing them. Happy happies.


  23. 12:07 AM

    Very very cute! Love the tutorial.



  24. 12:09 AM

    I became a follower!



  25. Stacy Cohen Said,
    12:35 AM

    What a great tutorial! I'll have to try it. :)


  26. Nora Said,
    12:51 AM

    Aww,søte armbånd! Likte det med my little pony kjempegodt :D


  27. 1:05 AM

    Going to have a go at this one, just got to find adult size bangles! Thanks for another great tutorial and I'm a follower.


  28. Zoa Said,
    4:32 AM

    this is a FABULOUS idea! I have a little 3yr old diva myself- and she would absolutely love these! I am definitely going to make some for her. Thanks for the idea!! :)


  29. Zoa Said,
    4:33 AM

    and- I became a follower and added you to my blog roll so I can check back! thanks again!!


  30. Scrapamum Said,
    8:00 AM

    My daughter would love these bangles. Great tutorial! This is so much fun : )


  31. gocanucksgo Said,
    8:15 AM

    I remember doing something like this when I was a kid so this totally brought up some memories lol. Loving your creations so far so i'm off to become a follower =)


  32. gocanucksgo Said,
    8:15 AM

    Just added myself to your follower list. Thanks =)


  33. 5:31 PM

    i love this idea! these are so cute, really perfect for little girls! :) tfs!!


  34. Haberdawoman Said,
    5:58 PM

    What a cool tutorial!!! BTW, I am already a follower :)


  35. UlrikaT Said,
    8:16 PM

    Otroligt kula armband! Min dotter på 5 skulle absolut elske att få ett sånt!


  36. lynnfrompgh Said,
    8:20 PM

    Darling bangles....and definitely let her brag about her mommy!!


  37. Heather Said,
    11:46 PM

    thats a great idea - and good recycling!! I've been following on google reader for a while :)


  38. Joanna Said,
    1:34 AM

    WOO WWEEEEEEEEEEE!! Can u please pick me? it'll make my day!!


  39. isabel scrap Said,
    9:32 AM

    so creative, thanks for the technique


  40. Claude Said,
    4:50 PM

    Oh wow, I want to make these for my daughter (and let's be honest, for me too!) Thanks for the tutorials!


  41. Malin/malwa Said,
    6:58 PM

    I'll send this tip to daycare and "after-school". They'll love it! :)

    And now I'm a follower (how ever I could have missed your blog earlier...)! ;)


  42. Zarah Said,
    8:16 PM

    How clever! Perfect for a night out when you don't have a matching bangle - but lots of nice bling! :D


  43. Lene Said,
    8:43 PM

    What a great idea! Will try for sure! Just have to finish my roll of glue dots first...
    Oh, and I love how you alwas use so much vibrant color in your projects!


  44. 10:21 PM

    So cute and such a good idea.


  45. Ann Cicilie Said,
    1:51 PM

    Åh, de der vil være midt i blinken for snuppa mi på 3,5! Hun elsker sånt dill, og jeg elsker å lage det :D


  46. Ann Cicilie Said,
    1:51 PM

    Og hepp hepp, jeg følger bloggen din :)


  47. 2:57 PM

    great project. love this for my little girls.


  48. Jingle Said,
    5:10 PM

    These are brilliant! What a fabulous idea!


  49. Jingle Said,
    5:10 PM

    I am already a follower!


  50. Ellis Said,
    10:51 PM

    Lovely blog you have! =)
    I tried to follow your blog but it didn't work, but I put the info about this blogcandy on my blog and subscribed to your blog! =)

    Hugs, Elenor


  51. 1:53 PM

    Nei så søte!! Hadde jeg bare hatt en datter ;) Skjønner godt at jenta di elsker dem!! :D


  52. Kathrine Said,
    2:57 PM

    Så KULT! Digger det. Følger seff bloggen din allerede, bare skikkelig lusen på å legge spor etter meg :P


  53. Kristine Said,
    9:41 AM

    Jeg tror jeg har et par jenter hjemme som ville elsket disse! Det må prøves:)


  54. Kristine Said,
    9:41 AM

    Også følger jeg deg;)


  55. connie Said,
    3:14 PM

    These are so cute! My granddaughters would love these. I am really enjoying the tutorials.


  56. connie Said,
    3:14 PM

    I am a follower.


  57. Pink Heather Said,
    7:40 PM

    Love these. My daughter would love to make these with me ;)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-