Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ How to scrap real simple :p ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, January 29, 2010

Once in a while scrappy bloggers explain their scrap-process and I for one really enjoy reading about why people do the choices they do when scrapping, following exactly how their layouts came together.

Figured I’d do the same just for fun. Just because :p
(Only difference being that I scrap pretty simple, so it´s nothing exciting or "new" really, but ohwell :p)

This layout started with these two post-it notes. My oldest one wrote down some fave-sites on the post-it note to the left. The youngest punk saw the note and decided to copy it on her own. She keeps doing that these days – loves to copy letters and stuff. Ofcourse I thought this was pretty cute, and decided to keep both notes & scrap them.

First task was to figure what to use. I wanted the cute elephant-transparency (from Hambly) in lime. And I wanted to be better at actually using my transparencies, and have admired Sasha´s (an incredibly awesome scrapper whose official Hambly-work I´m missing) useage of transparency on plain cardstock in the past. Decided to go for dark brown, and to use it on kraft. Added a third yellow rectangle to balance up the two notes. Odd numbers are sort of better than even. My initial idea was to have the dark brown cardstock as a slim rectangle in the middle with the three yellow notes spread across it. I even cut the transparency & cardstock the way I thought I wanted it. I’m usually impatient that way.

Anyways. Turned out it didn’t really work out visually as I had thought. Bummer.

So I rotated stuff some and played around and saw something that might work.. The solid block of cardstock anchored the three notes. And the transparency I already cut was wide enough to cover two of the notes, which seemed to be more aestethically pleasing than having it covering the whole place (and having to find a new transparency to cut into :p). Goodie!

And found a leftover-photo I never got around to scrap. A generic photo which could be used for this. Yay.

Figured I’d use this Studio Calico-stamp as my title..

..and thinking the layout needed something red to match the picture. Found a perfect sized strip of Hamblys "Le Romantique"-paper that was left over after cutting it into lettersize for an earlier project.

Mmm nice. Adding red to the layout really refreshed it!

There – journaling added (I like journaling to be added in strips instead as a solid block of text on cardstock), title about to be stamped. Love using ministaples btw :) (For Norwegians: BAMBI som fåes i bokhandelen er desidert et av favorittverktøyene mine til scrapping - liten, nett og søt og ikke minst SOLID - stifter gjennom så å si alt :) )

I’m not really into stamping, and usually think it looks too plain/flat when I stamp w/reg ink….so decided to emboss the title, making it more shiny and stand slightly more out :p

Thought the layout needed just a teeny bit more red splash though (plus - having the color red thrice on the layout is good)…

And since I’m sorta weird and usually prefer to have some sort of visible edges on my layouts I decided to add a red frame around the center. A slightly whimsical one, as I've never been one for rigid c&s-ish stuff.

Pulled out my sewing-machine ofcourse. Tadah. Me like. Three yellow notes. Three red elements on the layout. Anchored bottom. Enclosed by a whimsical frame to ease up the rigid-ish centre. Mm I’m satisfied. Even though I sort of think I’m not too good at embellishing and tends to keep stuff pretty basic. OHwell. Can’t win’em all.

Hope you found this slightly interesting and didn’t mind me babbling about this particular process. I’m usually pretty impatient and cut stuff first before really checking whether it actually fit the layout or not sorta. Kinda a go-along-and-see-what-happens kinda scrapper. (aren´t we all?)


Materials used: Hambly-papers and transparency, Studio Calico-stamp & gelly! embossing-powder.

Have a nice weekend – I know I probably will, with a few scrappy friends cropping with me here tomorrow…..just hope they don’t expect a shiny clean house cause…cough (oh, who am I kidding…you know me, rite? Ignore the messiness! ;p) :p

5 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ How to scrap real simple :p ~~'

  1. Eli Said,
    11:05 AM

    I know you and your mess and still I love you; so - there you go :)
    Kjempedigg layout! - og enkelt er ikke dumt det altså. Herlige Amalie som hermer forresten - søta :) Gleder meg til i morgen! *klem*


  2. Catrine Said,
    12:47 PM

    Nydelig layout ania! Og søtt tema ja!
    Ha en fin-fin helg! *klem*


  3. Sasha Farina Said,
    1:04 PM

    hey gorgeous... i miss you a lot! and this layout rocks in all its simpleness! Kisses to the kids!


  4. Heidi Said,
    3:11 PM

    Nydelig layout Ania!!! Ha en super helg!!


  5. Nora Said,
    12:03 PM

    Kjempefin LO! Liker de litt enkle jeg :D Moro med sånn steg-for-steg, gjør gjerne det igjen!:)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-