Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ 5th bloganniversary: CD-cover tutorial ~~

Posted by Ania On Thursday, March 11, 2010

Edit: the giveaway has now been closed & winner picked. Comments still open though, in case of question and stuff :)


Welcome to the first installation of the 5th bloganniversary-tutorials :)
We’ll start off quite simple, with this CD cover made out of corrugated cardstock & decorated with Hambly-goodies. When taking pictures for and/or sharing pictures with friends I try my best, time allowing, to make the “package” more cozy for the recipient. In this case, I shot some babyphotos for a friend of mine, and wanted to send her something cute she could keep the CD in.


First – grab a sheet of corrugated cardstock. You can purchase sheets or rolls of these in pretty much all hobby/craft stores and most well associated bookstores as well. I love the white ones – they look so pretty and is quite easy to decorate with say paint or a dash or two of glimmer mist! :) But I digress… cd-tutorial2

Fold the corrugated cardstock together and measure your CD and cut accordingly. Remember you need it folded so it’ll become a sort of envelope for your CD. cd-tutorial3

Using a circle-puncher, find the median and punch out half the edge from one of the sides. This because it’ll make it easier for you to actually get the CD outta the CD cover later on ;p cd-turorial4

Doublecheck that it looks fine and will actually cover your CD. Remember to leave some room on the top and bottom for the enclosing of the

Decorate the cover before you enclose the sides. Trust me, it’ll make the decorating much, much more simple. Here I used the Hambly transparency “Old Lace” in gold and some various Kraft-stickers mounted on 3d-foam. cd-tutorial6When done with the cover – enclose the edge either using a thin strip of strong double-sided tape or use your sewing machine.

Voila – quite simple and it actually takes 20-30 minutes top to make a little more thoughtful gift.

cd-coverHere’s Hamblys supercute “Onesies” transparency in teal used as the background, decorated with a few Kraft stickers, a tutrle-rubon from “Classic Animals” mounted on blank transparency and a cute butterfly-cutout from “Wings”. The letters are one of my fave letters from AdornIt.

cd-cover2 And here’s the CD cover which was made with this tutorial.

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial!

hamblygiveaway Here’s a peek of some of the yummy Hambly-stuff that you can win in the giveaway. Clear stickers, rubons (Gold “Doilies”! One of my total faves atm!), the awesome “Hambly Couture” – both a sheet of paper plus

I spot some of the new stuff too – Embroidery & Doily Decor papers :)

To enter the giveaway (which will take place March 18th) – simply drop me a comment on this post :)

If you’d like a second chance on the giveaway – feel free to post about this giveaway on your own blog and comment here once again for another ticket to the giveaway.


Come back soon – I have at least three more tutorials lined up for your entertainment – all of which means new chances to enter the giveaway :)


119 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ 5th bloganniversary: CD-cover tutorial ~~'

  1. Zarah Said,
    11:29 AM

    SEEEERIOUSLY cute -a nd I need to get my hands on some codrrugated cardboard. I'm all out - which is bad. I've never seen white in the stores here. Gotta go hunting! :D


  2. HegeAL Said,
    12:16 PM

    For en utrolig kul ide!! Den må jeg teste ut!
    Tusen takk for flott tutorial! Er gjerne med på trekningen ;-)



  3. Trude Julie Said,
    12:27 PM

    Giiirl, det var en seriøst kul tutorial, og en som jeg absolutt trengte nå, skal lage noen mixCDer og da er det kult å lage eget cover.
    Ha en flott dag!


  4. Ann Hedvig Said,
    2:06 PM

    Og dette minner meg på at jeg "skylder" noen tanter av meg noen cd'er, kanskje på tide å gi dem vekk, og pynte litt på i tillegg ;o)


  5. isabel scrap Said,
    2:18 PM

    thanks for the chance, your tutorial is so great, gonna try to make one


  6. Anonymous Said,
    2:19 PM

    I'm crazy about hambly stuff !!!
    cool giveaway



  7. the mustik Said,
    2:21 PM

    Beautiful work, clever idea this cd cover
    thanks for the giveaway


  8. mo9ca Said,
    2:24 PM

    Ania - gratulerer med 5 år i bloggingens verden! Digger cd-coveret, og det er jeg helt sikker på at mottakeren gjør også!! Digger!!
    Lekker give-away, den skal jeg jammen fortelle om i min blogg :)

    Ha en superduper dag!!


  9. chksngr Said,
    2:25 PM

    That is gorgeous! What a fabulous way to package a picture CD!!!


  10. mo9ca Said,
    2:33 PM

    ... og da har jeg "sladret" i bloggen min :)


  11. Asil Said,
    2:35 PM

    Love the covers! Must give them a try - have several cds with photos to send to grandparents - what a fab way to add a lot of touches! :)

    Congrats on your anniversary!!

    Asil :)


  12. VAKAnomi Said,
    3:10 PM

    those cd covers are sooo cute...And wonderful giveaway..

    congratulations on your anniversary


  13. Carrin Said,
    3:56 PM

    Genialt ania!!!
    Har plutselig fått et par gave ideer på plass her nå! ;)
    Og herlig give away da! Er med å sloss om den jeg ja ;)


  14. Rebekah Said,
    4:04 PM

    I love these CD covers! What a gorgeous way to give someone a disk :) The stash you've used is gorgeous too x


  15. Jenn Said,
    5:06 PM

    Those are soooo cute, love the owl! Happy Blogaversary!


  16. Jingle Said,
    5:07 PM

    This is so amazingly adorable! I absolutely love it!!!


  17. Anonymous Said,
    5:46 PM

    Denne tutorialen rocker! Gjett hva jeg skal lage!


  18. Greta Said,
    5:47 PM

    Takk for en kjempeide på gave til den som har alt. Noe så personlig som dette har vedkommende neppe. Og gratulerer med 5 års dagen. Jeg blir gjerne med i trekningen.


  19. Anonymous Said,
    5:48 PM

    Sånn! Nå har jeg postet om give-awayen i bloggen min, også :)


  20. Eli Said,
    6:05 PM

    Kjempegøyalt! Må prøves ut - ingen tvil :)


  21. 6:16 PM

    Thanx for the great tutorial...think I have a sheet of white corrugated paper just lying around...


  22. Avital Said,
    6:34 PM

    I love your handmade CD sleeve, it's gorgeous!


  23. Scrapamum Said,
    6:45 PM

    I love, love, love Hambly! That was a fantastic tutorial. I think I'm going to have to give it a try.


  24. Lisa Synøve Said,
    6:48 PM

    Takk for flott tutorial !
    Blir gjerne med på trekning =)


  25. Scrapamum Said,
    6:48 PM

    I posted this on my blog


  26. Ellen* Said,
    6:55 PM

    Takk for tutorial! Tenker jeg skal lage en sånn til bryllupsbilde-cd'en jeg skal brenne til venninna mi, jeg! Supert!:o)


  27. Jana Eubank Said,
    7:00 PM

    What an awesome tutorial!!!! Love all of your special touches!


  28. 12:20 AM

    wow thanks for sharing this tut, it's really adorable! the possibilities are endless! :) thanks!


  29. Unknown Said,
    12:23 AM

    this is so stinkin cute! loving all that hambly!! of to blog about your anniversary, also PL newlsetter has gone out :):)


  30. 12:25 AM

    and i posted your blog anniversary treat on my blog :) thanks!


  31. 12:26 AM

    Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for the tutorial! These would be perfect to put my 3D ultrasound videos in!


  32. Shaz Said,
    12:48 AM

    Love the tutorial! I love making mix CDs for friend this is perfect.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity too!


  33. Jennifer Said,
    1:08 AM

    Thanks for the tutorial ... adorable!


  34. 1:15 AM

    Congratulations of your anniversary! The CD is a great gift idea. Thanks for the opportunity to win your anniversary prize!


  35. BecM Said,
    1:24 AM

    What a great idea!! It will be well received I'm sure.
    I love Hambly, it's so versatile and cute!!
    Fingers Crossed!!
    congrats on your anniversary!!


  36. lynnfrompgh Said,
    1:28 AM

    Darling CD cover...Congrats on your 5 yr. Anniversary! Love to visit your blog for some much needed inspiration!!!


  37. Tiffany Said,
    1:28 AM

    oh my! I love hambly! :) happy blog-versery!


  38. 1:33 AM

    Congratulations on your 5th anniversary of blogging. What a lovely idea for putting the CD of baby photos in.


  39. Detailsprmrm Said,
    1:35 AM

    Happy 5.. Feliz Aniversario. Love your blog. God bless you life with incredible ideas.


  40. 1:41 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  41. 1:44 AM

    Oops, forgot to link it. I have just put the Hambly-stuff offer in my sidebar, thank you for your kind offering. Link: qwiksave x


  42. Tammy Said,
    1:46 AM

    How awesome is your tutorial....Love you neat edge on stuff! Glad to have found you...Happy Anniversary- Yipee 5 years! Wow!!


  43. Tammy Said,
    1:48 AM

    You are now linked on my sidebar....Fingers are crossed and toes too.


  44. Amy Said,
    2:09 AM

    I love it!! So adorable.


  45. Jinny Newlin Said,
    2:56 AM

    Just love, love, love this tutorial! So much fun! Thanks so much for the chance to win all those goodies! I came here via Anna's blog and have, now, bookmarked you :)!


  46. 4:04 AM

    What a wonderful, cute CD cover! Anna at Domestic Goddess sent "me" your way! I now have you in my RSS feed. Thanks for the chance at the giveaways!


  47. Blooberry56 Said,
    5:48 AM

    amazing work! love it! what a cute way to send a small gift! thanks for the inspiration, and the chance to win!


  48. Kathy K Said,
    6:52 AM

    Love your inspirational!! Your CD covers are very creative!!


  49. 6:57 AM

    What a great idea - I've got heaps of CD's that don't have covers. Now I can scrap them up, why haven't I thought of this previously?!! Loving the Hambly too :)


  50. Alison-lee Said,
    7:56 AM

    Such a cute idea, will definitely give this a try!


  51. 8:28 AM

    This is so clever... this is my first visit and so far I love what I see... enjoy your blog-anniversary.


  52. Julie Said,
    8:41 AM

    what a fantastic tutorial - so cute - I'll be giving this one a go.
    Thanks for the chance to win xxxx


  53. Lilo Said,
    9:34 AM

    Detta kan man inte missa! Älskar det du skapar och hittar alltid inspiration när jag kikar in hos dig! =)


  54. Lilo Said,
    9:45 AM

    Och så klart har jag skrivit om detta i min blogg, här:


  55. Becky Said,
    9:59 AM

    What a wonderful CD case! I would never have thought of using corrugated card - I love it and am going to have to have a go! Thanks also for the chance to win!


  56. Unknown Said,
    10:20 AM

    what a great anniversary and a fantastic way to celebrate it :DDD
    happy scrappin'


  57. Anonymous Said,
    10:51 AM

    I will try to make the CD cover
    Thank you



  58. Jonah's Mama Said,
    10:53 AM

    wow that cd thing is funky, i was hoping to make little home video's of my son for the family for christmas, this would be a fab idea to present it in. thankyou
    all those goodies look fantasic :)


  59. Jonah's Mama Said,
    10:55 AM

    have also added to my blog, for another entry!! :) thankyou


  60. Eva (Fister) Said,
    11:35 AM

    Thanks for the tutorial. Love the CD covers you made.


  61. Anonymous Said,
    11:47 AM

    Alt du lager er stilig og funky, dette var intet unntak! Gratulerer så masse med 5 års jubileum!!


  62. Lene S Said,
    11:56 AM

    Så stilig, og en genial gaveide :) Gratulerer så mye med 5 års jubileum. Det har vært fem inspirerende år, takk for at du deler!



  63. Lisa Said,
    11:58 AM

    What an adorable CD cover! Finally I have a use for that corrugated paper I bought so many years ago. The relatives will be happy, too, because they'll finally get their photo CD's I've been promising. Thank you so much for the lovely inspiration!


  64. Lilly Said,
    1:22 PM

    What an amazing tutorial! I love it =DD
    Thanks a lot for the chance.


  65. Maren Said,
    2:13 PM

    Superkul rett og slett! Dette var en god ide! :)

    Ha en riktig god helg! :]


  66. connie Said,
    9:17 PM

    Happy Blogaversary. This is beautiful! thanks for the tutorial and the chance to win.


  67. LRH Said,
    9:23 PM

    Great tutorial! Happy blogaversary!


  68. 2:00 AM

    AWESOME tutorial! I'm gonna have to try it out this weekend. Hope YOU have a great weekend!


  69. Pink Heather Said,
    2:13 AM

    Love the tutorial. Will be waiting for the next couple. Thanx for sharing, Ania.


  70. Pink Heather Said,
    2:16 AM

    Love the owl cover ;)
    I've put your giveaway on my blog.
    Enjoy your weekend, Ania.


  71. Anonymous Said,
    4:06 AM

    I love the CD cover idea because I am always making mix CDs for people! What a great idea. :-)


  72. Anonymous Said,
    6:41 AM

    I seriously love corrugated schtuff... and seriously love Hambly. Whee! Thanks for the tut. Amy


  73. Anonymous Said,
    8:43 AM

    Kjempestilig ide !! Den må jeg huske på :)


  74. Wenche Said,
    9:10 AM

    Great tutorial, this I curtenly will try out. great giveaway also.


  75. Wenche Said,
    9:18 AM

    Now I have linked in my bligg ;-)


  76. Millas blogg Said,
    11:12 AM


    I'm so happy I found this page. Wounderful things you have done and great tutorials. I must try to do bangles for my douther to, lovely!

    I would love to have a chance on the wounderful candy (it's my 30th birthday the 18thof march). I have told everyone about your page and the candy and linkt to it on my blogg and in the sidebar (on swedish, but I hope it's okey!)

    Love Milla


  77. Heidi Said,
    12:17 PM

    Tusen takk for flott tutorial!!!!
    Er gjerne med på trekningen :p


  78. annkan Said,
    2:30 PM

    Wow-you have a really nice blog!
    Of course I'd like to join your candy.


  79. annkan Said,
    2:32 PM

    And yes, I would like a second chance- so I have written about it in my blog.


  80. Mette Said,
    8:16 PM

    Så stilige CD-cover! Tusen takk for at du deler av dine kreative ideer :)


  81. Anette S Said,
    8:41 PM

    Så søt! Kjempegod idé! Jeg har metervis med bølgepapp liggende!


  82. 12:06 AM

    Wow, 5 years! Congrats on that longevity.

    Your giveaway is awesome and thanks for the CD sleeve tutorial. I need to give that a try.



  83. 12:47 AM

    I posted a link on my sidebar about your giveaway.



  84. 1:02 AM

    Loving that Hambly stuff and great tutorials. Looking forward to seeing more. I posted about your great giveaway on my blog and became a follower.Thanks.


  85. Zoa Said,
    4:38 AM

    congrats on 5 years of blogging!! the CD cover is adorable- a great idea for picture CDs that don't have a case!


  86. Zoa Said,
    4:49 AM

    I linked you to my blog also- here is the link! thanks again :)


  87. Ann-Katrin Said,
    5:37 PM

    Flott forklaring og herlig blogcandy. I'm in! And happy 5th.


  88. Pia Said,
    8:32 PM

    Digger Hambly! Og det du lager! Jeg blir med!


  89. pammc Said,
    1:41 AM

    What a cool idea! will have to have a hand at trying this for the CDs I send my daughter of the photos I take of my grand-daughter.


  90. Anonymous Said,
    10:15 AM

    Så stilig CD-cover! Kjempeflotte, og det så jo faktisk ganske enkelt ut. Tror jeg må få kjøpt meg en sirkelpunch :D


  91. Anonymous Said,
    10:16 AM

    Forresten, jeg har spredd ordet videre på bloggen min :)


  92. 12:10 PM

    Knallstilig cd-cover!!


  93. Rita Said,
    4:40 PM

    these are very cool! I like the one with the owl... will definitely try that one out. thanks for sharing!


  94. Claude Said,
    4:53 PM

    I love that you used corrugated cardstock!
    It's gorgeous!


  95. Claude Said,
    4:56 PM

    I am spreading the news on my blog:


  96. Malin/malwa Said,
    7:03 PM

    Those receiving such gifts will be totally adored!


  97. Malin/malwa Said,
    7:03 PM

    And I've linked to your candy at the sidebar of my blog:


  98. 10:23 PM

    I really must invest in a sewing machine, what a cute project.


  99. 8:51 AM

    jeg er med, har lagt igjen spor hos meg til deg ;o)


  100. HegeHB Said,
    9:57 AM

    Så utolig kult, dette var fristende å teste ut. gerlig giveaway- deltar gherne:)


  101. Antonia S-H Said,
    12:49 PM

    Oh, my word. What a beautiful and generous giveaway! And some really excellent tutorials. Thank you for your great blog and Happy Birthday!


  102. Ann Cicilie Said,
    1:18 PM

    Lekker tutorial!

    Takk for all den fantastiske inspirasjon du sprer :)


  103. 2:59 PM

    I love this project! I have got to get my sewing machine out and try this!


  104. Jingle Said,
    5:12 PM

    That is so freaking adorable! I love this! What a great way to give a gift!


  105. Ellis Said,
    10:42 PM

    Great tutorial! =)
    I have never seen Hambly before, but they are so great, so I have blogged about your candy and wishing myself good luck! =)

    Hugs, Elenor


  106. Linda Said,
    9:29 AM

    Knallstilig! Slik skal jeg jammen lage meg en dag:)


  107. Anonymous Said,
    10:26 AM

    nice :)


  108. Ukka Said,
    12:53 PM

    Hi!This is really sweet the pocket for CD! I love the colours!Your cardmaking is really pretty.
    I added a link to the sidebar
    Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!

    Greetings from Russia,


  109. 1:47 PM

    Ahh!! så kul! Idèen er herved lagret! Denne skal testes!
    Blir gjeeeeeerne med i trekning!! :D


  110. Kathrine Said,
    2:59 PM

    Superkult! Dette skal jeg prøve!


  111. Kirsti Said,
    4:56 PM

    Absoultely gorgeous - what more can I say....
    The giveaway looks pretty special too....xoxo


  112. Kirsti Said,
    5:04 PM

    Just added your gorgeous giveaway to my side bar...xox


  113. Anonymous Said,
    6:45 PM

    Great projects! Thanks for sharing all the inspiration! -Alisa


  114. Rosa Forino Said,
    11:11 PM

    WOW!!! This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    saluti dall'italia


  115. Rosa Forino Said,
    11:13 PM

    great projects.


  116. Daniela Said,
    12:34 PM

    Great candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win!


  117. Daniela Said,
    12:36 PM

    I've linked your candy on my sidebar here:

    Hope I win :)


  118. Ann Cicilie Said,
    1:39 PM

    Så har jeg reklamert for deg:


  119. WoW CD Key Said,
    8:20 AM

    What a charming CD cover! Finally I have to make use of that corrugated paper I bought many years ago. The relatives will be happy, too, because they'll finally get their photo CD's I've been promising.


Post a Comment

"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-