I wasn’t really sure whether I was allowed to share images from my cousin’s wedding, but I just got the green light so here we go. Loads of photos :)

I attended this wedding as a guest, so I just snuck in a photo or two whenever, & just focused on enjoying the ceremony/party. Also, I didn’t sit close to the aisle so I didn’t get any photos from there, but I don’t mind… while everybody was busy looking for the bride I figured I’d check how the groom was doin’ =)

See the light from the windows btw? Very gorgeous & attributed to the atmosphere – but for a photographer it pretty much sucked..unless you enjoy working with multiple layers of different exposures & lots of time editing you’re bound to get extreme contrasts & either overblown/shadowry dark areas…remember external flash usually isn’t allowed in wedding ceremonies :p (know of handy tricks for such situations? Feel free to share!)

Love the gorgeous bolero she wore outdoors. Really added to the old school glam factor!

Their girls were adorable…loved their coats, I want one in my size!
(Which by the way reminds me I have my eyes set on this rain coat from Paola…pretty pricy but I’m a sucker for good causes/intentions so this’ll be mine come next weekend!)

So glam!

So, I took a few reception photos of all the guests…hi auntie+uncle!

The bride’s parents…they looked very Golden Age-Hollywod :)

Oy, that’s my mom + stepdad :) *wave*

Loved how they held hands in the beginning, when welcoming everybody…

And gosh. So dapper that cousin of mine, don’t ya think?

Grandma <3

Love her gesture..

More grandma :)

We were also treated with this jazz-y performance by this family ensemble (including the bride’s father). Very longue-like (I suppose? I dunno – I just know I enjoyed the music :p)

See. Father of the bride himself :)

This is becoming a tradition in the family – the tree + light of hearts…it’s quite sweet actually.

First Dance!

And a little kiss to seal that dance..

Umm. 3200 iso. Noticeable noise, and the details won’t be fine full size. Still, I think it’s a pretty amazing feat of the camera performing like this!

When photographing weddings I’m mostly for not using the flash. Personally I feel like the flash is like, an intruding element on such moments like this. Still, I do see the advantages of using flash for capturing such late night stuff more crispy & better. It’s not very evident here in websized photos, but becomes very clear for fullscale images. Hm. Or i can continue dream about a D4 (but hey, I’ll settle for a D3s, I’m not that picky ;p)
Oh and btw? This cake? Am so, so regretting only having one piece of it!! :’(
I was gonna get more then got occupied then it was time to leave so no moar cake! ><