If you haven't checked out The Shield yet, it's strongly recommended - forget everything you've learned about "cop shows" - you ain't seen nothing like this one! And you'll love it! Trust me!
It's funny, I spoke with an old friend of mine who's currently working nightshifts as a janitor at a juvenile detention center in S.A., Texas (hm...at least I assume it's in S.A unless he moved..it's in Texas anyways :p), and he insists that the reality about kids and gangs that's shown on such shows really is reality and yes, the climate is rough, kids raping and killing. A large number of the kids he watch are associated with gangs. And they're 10-17 years old. I still find it hard to believe, not being from the US and all, but at the same time ....I'm fascinated....it's scary... kids getting hooked up that easily....just because you're of the wrong color or from the wrong neighborhood, you're given like zero chance making it out without getting involved... *sighs* Yeah, we're not perfect either, but at least this is small small small scale here in Norway....yet..
Anyways. About my previous post about my carreer in racism (right :p), I have to say this; I have no right to really say anything about people possible judging me like I'm fearing, cause I'm doing that myself to others I don't know..funny, eh...and I really should stop worrying about that cause it's not much I can do about it either, and what does it really matter...? I know who I am. That should be good enough to me.
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Anyways. Got this link today from a friend of mine - it leads to another old friend from the MUD days (fr mud :p), who's a very skilled and talentful photographer and who's been doing even better since I knew her some years ago. Do check it out - totally fab & gorgeous pictures! Am so happy she seem to be doing very well these days! :)
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Now, really, I shouldn't mind, and at first I just shrugged, cause well, he meant well and was trying to get a conversation going I guess, but...*boggle* so? I later had to admit that yeah, I slightly disliked that comparison and found it annoying at best. I also have to admit that I, in the past, have tried to avoid being associated with other Asian people, as in, not wanting to be seen together with asianlooking strangers in case people thought I was one of them. I don't mind when it's people I know (duh), but strangers I've tend to try avoid standing next to and stuff.
I also recall that when I was fourteen or so, I went bowling with a bunch of my friends, and there was an Asian gang of boys at the place we went to. They kept looking at us/me, and in the end they asked me to come over and wondered why I was with "them" - the non Asian people. I was like, "uh, because they're my friends?" Then I had to explain that I was adopted and that really, the people I was with were my friends and I was not at all comfortable with the situation me having to explain myself to these strangers.
Maybe I'm just too touchy since well, I am adopted, been so since I was a little toddler and to me, my identity is totally Norwegian, it's just my look which isn't traditional Norwegian and in some situations it's easy to forget..? Hm. Yes. I guess I just have to face the reality that it's no wonder when people silently wonders if Simen's found himself a "Thailandian bride", because sometimes that's what I silently wonder myself when seeing ethnic Norwegian men together with asianlooking women (or Russian/east-European/whatever) - even though I myself really should be the one knowing better.
Yes. I know. I should be ashamed and embarrassed of myself for even thinking like that. I just can't help it :( And about the comparison of that player who had an uncle whom married a woman from Thailand? Guess it's like when you meet someone whose wife is from, say, Sweden, and you mention oh cool, my cousin got a girlfriend from Stockholm. Or something like that. Just that, I'm not adopted from Thailand. *shrug*
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Anyways, here's my two last paper piecings - and that's it - no more paper piecings for a year!! (or well, for a few weeks). These are most likely going to be doorsigns, just have to decide to whom...
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Here's some samples :)
(what's the fun if you can't showoff? :p)
Here's two birthdaycards I made for two familymembers.

And yeah, I don't mind making cards for other people, just get in touch with me if you'd like a handmade card :)
And oh, I guess I could add my latest layout aswell - Adrian as a little toodler......*lovelovelovelove* this *so* cute picture of him.....and he's turning five in just a few weeks!
Wow! Time sure flies - makes me feel .....old....and stuff.....*sighs heavily*
Note to self: trying to add several pictures to the blogger doesn't seem to work too well. Sorry for the "funny" placement of some of the pictures :(
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Even though Simens first words to these pictures were "doh, so staged!", he had to admit they were kinda cute ;) And yes...I guess these kind of pictures are kinda easy to do with such a cutiepie as my Amalie (*giggle*), but still, I want *some* credit since it really wasn't that easy cause she wanted to crawl to me and grab the camera all the time :p
Anyways....meh...wants.....CANON EOS 350D!!!! *cry* Alternatively I'll ofcourse settle for a Nikon D70s....no biggie, I'm not that demanding! *sighs* Anyone? :p
*looks at her little Sony CyberShot* ...ohwell..it's ok...until I can afford something better at least ;)

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Do you struggle keeping control over your children? Then it might be a small consolidation knowing that even the almighty God didn’t even manage to keep control of his own children….
After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve. The very first thing he told them, was;
- DON’T!
- Don’t what? Adam wondered.
- Don’t eat the forbidden fruit, God said.
- Forbidden fruit? Do we have forbidden fruit? Yo, Eve, lookie! We got forbidden fruit!
- No way! She said.
- Way! He replied.
- Don’t eat the forbidden fruit, God repeated, slightly annoyed.
- How come?
- Because I’m your creator, and I say so! God told them, while silently banging his head wondering why he didn’t stop earlier, after creating the elephants.
Shortly after God caught Adam and Eve munching the apple, and he turned furious.
- Did I not tell you to NOT eat that apple? The history’s first father said.
- Yah, so you did, Adam answered, still munching the apple.
- So why did you do that?
- Dunno, Eve replied.
- She started! Adam said.
- Did not!! Eve replied.
- So did! Adam said.
- DID NOT!!! she said.
And thus God decided to punish them by giving Adam and Eve their own children.
And thus the pattern continued through all the years. So whenever you try to raise your own children with love and wisdom – to no avail – don’t push yourself too hard. If God didn’t excel at it, why should you…..
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Am just surprised, is all....
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This is an old, but very lovable picture ;)
Notice the flower behind his ears? *giggle*
The monograms "a" and "e" are for his name - it's pretty popular just having the monograms of your childrens name in scrapping.This is the latest one I made. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out - color, layout, fonts.... And just look at the picture....and Amalies totally lovely eyes...! *melt* (okok, I'm also pretty biased ;) )
It's not easy finding "boy" paper that actually look this stylish! ;) So yeah, am pretty happy about this one....for now anyways :P
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I gotta admit it. It's about time I guess. Time to face what I actually am.
I love scrapbooking, and yes, I'm a scrapper!!
Scrapping is so much fun and joy, especially when you're surrounded by great artists (yes, some of the best just have to be called artists imo) who keeps pouring great layouts all the time....it's so inspiring!
Been doing this hobby for soon five months, and damn, it's fun to see and compare my first layouts and the latest ones. Funny thing though, when going through all my layouts I remember how I was happy & satisfied with my older ones, now I see that if I made them today I wouldn't be as satisfied as I was... hmm....it means that either I've actually made some progress (sure hope so :P), or that I'm just too (emotionally) close to my recent layouts to look at them critically.
Think I'll opt for the first, while suspecting it's the latter :p
And *boggle* it'd mean in a few weeks I won't be satisfied with how my current layouts have turned out. Hm.
Anyways. Sharing some layouts from january/this month!
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