My take on the MM sketch. Love the papers & the embies (notice the clever rubonplacement... haa...LOVE that rubon-book from Making Memories....flourishes & icons....pure eyecandy and a joy to just flip thru!) And oh, the title reads "U & I" cause I'm a total cheapass right now and saving my chipboardalphas....hence......this very short title (thanks for the help Dinna =) ). And yes! Am totally in LOVE with these flowers from MM. Been using it on my four last layouts. Only have two left. SO. NEED. MORE! :) Lucky me - Hobbykroken wanted to take these flowers (& more!!) in their store after seeing my cry for help at Minneriket - hopefully they'll get them in stock by next week. So. Must. Have!
And joy. Scrapped me and my beloved. Yay! I love my kids & totally adore them & stuff but it really does feel good scrapping US once in a while too ;) (in a few years he'll forgive me for scrapping pictures of him I'm sure *smoochies*)
Anyways. Off to bed now - tomorrow's (well..today) a new day and we finished painting the childrens room yesterday - got a closet to stuff into that room tomorrow plus more I'm sure! Oh. Note to self. Take pictures of the bed for Em's challenge. Laters ~~
cool!! Digger stilen din, altså!! Helt enig, det er viktig å scrappe oss gamlingene også av og til. Det tar jeg som en utfordring i dag!
Lykke til videre med oppussingen, dere høres veldig effektive ut altså! Ha en fin dag.
Nydelig Ania!!!! Digger alt du kommer med for tiden...og IMPONERT over kreativiteten din!!!!
Thanks for taking the challenge -- I love your take on the sketch! :o)