*snicker* Heard at home:
Daddy: Is daddy best?
Amalie: Noooooo!
Daddy: Is mommy best?
Amalie: NO!
Amalie: AMALIE best!
Full of herself that little one eh? :p
She got us good, we just cracked at her statement haha :D She's also been starting to show some real pixie-moves... like...she knows she's doing something she's not allowed to but she just keeps grinning and eyeing us like she wanna tell us "yeah dare me!" and thinks (knows??) she can get away just by her charms!
Ohwell - my mom's coming today and staying for a few days. It's Adrians birthday tomorrow you see, and she loves being around when it's his bday. It's a grandma thing :p
Anyways. Figured I'd show some peeks on this coming sundays Pencil-Lines sketch - I don't think it looks good scanned/photographed and I am a bit annoyed by that - but the closeups kinda helps showing how nice it actually is kinda. And drop by Scrappedugnad - today was Catrines turn to post and she did some fabby canvases! (yeah - Nowegian only, sorry!)
Remember this? When Sarah Silverman surprised her host-show-bf with this clip:
(not suitable for work or kids I guess...depends..)
Well - he got back at her with this - hahahaha (fast forward to the 2min mark if you wanna skip the blabla):
Pappa: Er pappa best?
Amalie: Neeeeiiii
Pappa: Er mamma best?
Amalie: Neeeeeii
AMalie: AMALIE best!