Pencil-Lines #108 - guested by Japaneese
Kanako Nakinishi, sketch by Anna and
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Scenic Route!! YAY!!! Scenic Route's like, my very first love when it comes to manufs (next after Chatterbox who was my first haha) - so thrilled they're sponsing PL this week!! Grabbed some photos that's been in my photomap forever - printed these for a miniproject which wasn't made afterall and they've been gathering dust forever since :p Everything's from SR but the rubons (Luxe & Hambly) and the flower (Prima) and clip (MM) :)

This is what Amalie did on friday. She fell asleep on my lap. While I was home alone. And had a pizza in the oven. But. As she's now three and half - I realize that these moments are as precious as they come - I have no idea how many more times she'll do this - climb into my lap and fall asleep just like that after two minutes (and really, I can't recall the last time she did this - it's been too long). Maybe this was my last time. So we sat like this for about fifteen minutes, me doing nothing but stroking her hair and reminiscing the moment, listening to her snore (and it's NOT a gentle snore I can assure you...she..uh..snores like a ..uh..p i g....we've been to the doc&a specialist but they couldn't find anything particular so..) and thinking my little baby is growing up so fast.. then I HAD to break off bc of the pizza...carried her with me to the kitchen, put her on the floor and put the (slightly burnt) pizza out and another in...then carried her back and sat down with her for another twelve minutes (cause fifteen was way too long)... I contemplated grabbing my was just within reach...but thought I'd be silly taking photos of like, everything...but then the thought about this being possibly the last time I get with her on my lap like this made me give in and I grabbed it and took a bazillion photos of her with my arms up high - darn 50mm lens - and this is when my husband came home and asked me what I was doing taking photos of my chest (he came in from behind) :P
But seriously. Right now I am able to blow the pain away from her knee when she's hit herself - she'll cry and yell out loud, run to me or daddy and let us know she's in pain (or well, "pain" I guess is more accurate) and once we blow on whatever it is she's all fine and smiles running away to continue playing. And every time I wonder if this will be the last time. Next time this won't be enough. Like Adrian, he's too big to have his pain blown away like this...he still likes to be cuddled and comforted, but it'll take a while before he's alright... *sigh*

Oh. And the prev. layout of mine, the one with the green Hambly and me as little?
Well, Amalie admired it this morning and exclaimed "Amalie" pointing at mini-me. "No, that's mommy" I told her. "Amalie!" she insisted. "No, mommy". Then the floodgates of tears broke loose ;p

And just to balance the post some so it's not Amalie, Amalie, Amalie - here's my boy making one of his gazillion faces (note the missin teeth in between):P Things to note about him: He loves getting up early in the mornings so he can play some videogames in peace and/or watch Disney Channel. I remember being like him once -- only in my case I was so eager to get up so I could watch Pat Sharp on SKY Channel :p Popples, Care Bears, Inspector Gadget, Bompi bears, Dr. Who.....are a few of the cartoons/series I remember from these days...ahhhhhh :D
Right now I am winding down after a familydinner w/my husbands grandparents - so sleepy...have a lovely afternoon! :)