Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Hambly Cookie Bag? Yes Thank You Please ~~

Posted by Ania On Saturday, December 06, 2008

My lil cookie-bag made for Hambly Screenprints went up on their blog yesterday.
Lovesit. Head on over there to check out the closeups & material-list :)
And keep your eyes peeled on the blog - the Hambly Design Team will totally WOW you throughout December with lovely Christmas and/or Winter themed stuff.

And oh, thats "kakemenn" in the photo. I think it's a Norwegian speciality, although I am sure it's baked in other countries too called different stuff...?? It's especially popular here at the West Coast - I didn't really know about these until I moved here from Oslo a decade ago.

Anyways, here's the reciepe by Catrine;

Hvite kakemenn

50 g smør
1 1/2 dl sukker
5 dl hvetemel
1/2 ts hornsalt
1 dl melk

Smelt smør og rør alt sammen. Stekes på 200 grader i ca. 6-8 min.

Dette er en liten oppskrift - jeg ganger med 3, helst 4. Og da lager jeg kakemenn minst to ganger før jul. :wink:

Letsee....for a small portion (she usually makes this x3 or x4):

50g butter
1 1/2 dl sugar
5dl flour (all purpose)
1/2 tsp salt of hartshorn/sal volatile (Thanks TJ for the translation :P)
1dl milk

Melt butter and mix everything together.
Baked at 200 degrees celsius for 6-8min.

This is quick, simple and yummy :)

5 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Hambly Cookie Bag? Yes Thank You Please ~~'

  1. Staci Taylor Said,
    3:36 AM

    That is SO stinkin' cute Ania!! What a great idea!! Thanks for the recipe, too :-)


  2. banglamarie Said,
    8:22 AM

    Å så stilig innpakning.
    *elsker kakemenn*


  3. Trine Blix Said,
    10:48 AM

    Fantastisk flott, Ania!
    Jeg har tidligere laget liknenede poser (langt fra så flotte) til godterier, og jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor jeg ikke har tenkt på kakaposer!
    ...lage noen i full fart til noen "har-alt-venner"...

    GOD førjulstid!


  4. Anonymous Said,
    6:42 PM

    mmmmmhhhhhhh - I likeeeee. The bag is divine but the cookies have me drooling too!


  5. Anette S Said,
    12:20 PM

    Ja, takk!
    Både til hamblypose og kakemenn!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-