It’s Easter and I’m so gonna spend it scrapbooking, watching
Doctor Who episodes with the kiddo and very much possible do a hike or two! And oh, sleep in. Lots of sleep in! (I cherish the time spent sleeping!)
Nevertheless. Here’s a box I made, using a Martha Stewart-template (
found here), the craft knife by
Ingvild Bolme (best craft knife I’ve ever used, hands down…I’m not kidding!), papers from
Crate Paper, an old ribbon from Fancy Pants and look at that cute lil bunny from
Craft Origine! :)

Another card made for
Glue Arts using paper and embellishments from
Prima, stamp from Craft Origine as well and hm bits and pieces from
Sassafras and
Maya Road.

I really adore the felt flowers…love the look!

Another box, one just put together by scrap paper /Crate Paper) and created around a little gift for my niece. Stamp from Craft Origine, hmhm….love the chipboard butterflies from Sassafras….twine from
The Twinery…brads from Crate Paper…

That’s pretty much for now. I’ve been itching to scrapbook layouts lately, but never really got around to start – darn the Doctor Who-marathons that’s going on at home atm. But. Easter should mean more time off so I am SO gonna do at least one layout during this time!!

Oh, did I mention? Gave in and purchased the
Edge 80 optic for my
LensBaby. Am totally loving it!! Great, fun toy so far!

Gives this fun fun tilt-shift feeling (like, miniature landscape)… am working on getting to know how the lens will tilt when rotated here and there and in what aperture and stuff…

And yes, manual focus is totally killing me, I really ought to get my sight rechecked soon…?? Anyhow, one of the tip from the edge80-site was to bracket, bracket and bracket your shots when it comes to focus. Of course I read the tip after taking the cam out for a test drive, so I haven’t really applied that yet… Totally need to remember to do that…only….I love shooting the kids and the kids aren’t exactly really uh, still standing & patient, but hey, they give me the kind of challenge I need to crashlearn how to handle this tool, no? (I keep saying to myself anyways)