Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ My parents ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This weeks prompt at Em is "my parents". This is one of the first pictures with me and both my parents..I guess there's some from the airport when I came to Norway, but I've only got pictures of either me and mom or me and we're at home...finally a little, mom and dad. It says "happy days" at the bottom....they had some problems by then...but I really do believe they had some happy days ...especially when I arrived....well..I gotta believe that don't I.. I like how the little clock frames our hands together....makes the whole cards balance a bit off-centred, but ohwell. Once again a simple card, but I love how Ems cards makes me think some things through... one theme at a week... you sense a lot of things. I remember asking dad when I was little (maybe not so little...ten-eleven maybe? possibly younger..)....if he had a backuplist of women he'd be with instead of mom....if things wouldnt work out between them... I don't really remember his answer....but I remember being anxious about his reply and how he'd take it...and me really wanting to know who these women would be if he did have such a list.... that was way before their divorce...I really don't think I actually knew things was that bad...maybe it was just normal curiousiness? I also recall following dad at the airport when he was gonna say goodbye to his his wife...they came home from a long trip in Pakistan together with some other people (he was doing a lot of these kind of stuff when I was younger, long travels to countries far away to help them establish their own sign-language and deaf organization and stuff). I was kinda wondering if he'd really kiss her goodbye or not..with mom inside at the airport... I dunno why I was thinking so...was that when they were separated? I don't think so.. did I know about their problems then? I can't remember either. Must have known, why else would I be curious about them and how they'd say goodbye... hm. Memory's a fuzzy thing. I guess they were separated by then. Must have been. Dad, sorry if you're reading this....but well..this is a part of the past past too... besides...I love you both a lot. Am just not good at telling you but I hope you know :p

Anyways. Watched 300 yesterday. Neat movie. Cool woman. Love the photography and the style. Some of the same techniques as Sin City (ofc...both adapted graphnovels of the same style/genre). Lovely. Here's a photo of me and Simen in the elevator on our way home...eating icecream from McDonalds.....:D I wanna take more pictures of us together. Makes me happy. Soh!

Ukens kortutfordring fra Emily handler om våre foreldre. Syntes dette bildet passet bra - en av de første bildene av oss sammen etter adopsjonen. Hele kortet er helt offcenter og jeg liker hvordan ghost-klokken ringer inn hendene våre...så den får bare være sånn. Var på kino og så 300 igår; måtte seff. benytte sjansen til å ta et bilde av meg og Simen. Jeg tror jeg vil bli flinkere til det. Sørge for at midt innimellom alle ungebildene så bør det være et par av meg og Simen. Sammen. Sådetså.

16 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ My parents ~~'

  1. _Kine Said,'> 1:22 PM

    Så flott kort. Og fint å lese tankene bak det.
    Jeg har en kompis som maler digitalt på bilder og skaper skikkelig fet Sin City-stemning. Kan sende deg link når det han driver med nå blir ferdig. Har ikke sett 300 enda, men jeg innbiller meg at det muligens kan bli litt meget med battle for min del. Blir spennende å se Sin city 2. Og hva med Grindhouse? *fnis*


  2. Catrine Said,'> 1:29 PM

    Flott kort du har laget - og takk for at du deler tankene dine bak det! :)
    Koselig bilde av deg og Simen!
    Ha en flott onsdag! *klem*


  3. Unknown Said,'> 2:39 PM

    Its a beautiful card :)


  4. Lene S Said,'> 3:08 PM

    Nydelig... virkelig et kort med mening og følelser. Jeg likte forøvrig at klokken er litt "off center", gjør det bare mer spennende.



  5. banglamarie Said,'> 5:57 PM

    Nydelig kort du har laget! Flott hvordan den lille ringen rammer inn hendene!
    Liker også tittelen du har valgt til kortet. Selv om de etterhvert ble skilt, så hadde dere nok noen "happy days" :)


  6. Unknown Said,'> 6:32 PM

    Koselig bilde av deg og din familie. Så utrolig søt du var. Det er sterkt av deg å dele følelsene og tankene dine, egetnlig litt sjokkerende å vite at små unger tenker og vet så mye...

    Ha en scrappende gal kveld... :-)


  7. Marjolein Said,'> 9:31 PM

    What a lovely card, I like the clock very much!


  8. Kirsten Said,'> 11:41 PM

    Det er en viktig del av deg det også, tankene og hva man husker og hva man følte, det er jo det som er med på å prege deg, uansett hva som egentlig skjedde...
    Kul klokke, forresten, jeg har visst litt større klokker enn deg jeg *fnis*


  9. Anonymous Said,'> 4:02 AM

    so happy that you stopped in to say hi. That card is fabulous. I never would have thought to put the clock on top of it. Simple but amazing. YOu have some awesome layouts. You can rock it girl.
    So happy that you get me.


  10. jess Said,'> 9:10 AM

    love your card! Love how you've put a watch face ontop of that awesome photo!


  11. suebaru Said,'> 12:01 PM

    Gorgeous card, love how you used the clock face!


  12. Je@net Said,'> 3:49 PM

    Your card is so great!! Love the clock on it!!


  13.'> 5:54 PM

    Really fabulous card.


  14. Tonya Said,'> 11:31 PM

    I love, love, love your style!!



  15.'> 10:06 AM

    Gorgeous card and I really love your journaling - memories are really fuzzy - it is amazing how we try to remember sometimes but we can't say for sure how it was.


  16. Kathrine Said,'> 8:50 AM

    Flott kort og den klokken gjorde det veldig stilig! Og litt av en historie da - utrolig hvor mye barn får med seg.

    Så koselig bilde av deg og Simen! Gleder meg til å se det scrappet ;)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-