Some of my late finds;
Stefan G. Bucher. The guy behind 344 and the Daily Monster. I'm not sure if I actually like his art, but it's fascinating. And I think the readers go at his inkspots are often very cool and nice. Like Emily Wong's version here. Pretty!
The Image is Found. I'm pretty sure I've linked this one before, but what the heck. Love the inspiration from the pictures and to "listen to the life of the pros". Same thing with Mike Colon.
Storypeople. Small, cute and sometimes weird stories straight to your mailbox. Often it's small snippets as if you were entering in the middle of something....me like.
I don't understand how cruel the world can be at times. Or well, I know it's rough, evil, and bad... but I still don't get it. Like poor Kamilat, and many more with her. How can this actually be a widespread and common act in some cultures?? It's not the first time I've read about it, but now it got a face. I just don't get it.
over to lighter notes. Or maybe not. Two semi-serious layouts. Adrians picture turned out somewhat slightly dramatic, so I thought I'd play on that and build the layout somewhat hm..gothic and dark. Love the Daisy D papers. Think this combo was nice - green and black.On second thought I shoulda swapped the alphastickers and the title - I think it'd be even better balance-wise with the title on top of the picture and the longer text below, but ohwell. Glued the title first thinking it might be room for the text next to it so bleh. (Btw? "Be fair"? Maybe "be just" is better?). He's a good boy. Really a good boy. And I so hope it'll stay that way.
The second one is a somewhat bold one. I struggled with this layout all day - molesting several papers in the process. I wanted to try include something blue, for Rhonnas colorchallenge (the above layout is also for that one - green), but kept going thru so many diff papers. Hate that. Finally went back to the original C&S idea (how typical ><) and felt like writing something about how lucky she is. That she's lucky being born in Norway, a relatively safe and good country. That she's born into a family who loves and adores her so much (amazingly and sadly enough, even that's not a given for everybody). I know. Bad things happens here too as for anyplace...but at least she's given a good, solid fundament (I hope). I'm gettin all emo lately - guess it's the age. Dunno if it can still be called blue though, the way it ended. But there's the blue strips and the blue transparency....and besides.. I tried..:p Will try again tho. I think. :)
*dåne*... *dåne*.....blir stum jeg Ania!!!! De layoytene du presterer for tiden er virkelig magasin materiale!!!!! Har du prøvd å sende noen av de inn til CK????
Vel her her adressen deres hvis du ikke har:
Og herved er du ufordret til å sende inn minst 3 layouter!!!!!!
Behøver vel ikke å si hva jeg syntes om layoutene egentlig nå...knegg...men, for sikkerhet skyld: NYDELIGE, RÅ, KULE!!!!
Enig med hetal, du bør prøve å sende inn opptil flere :D Disse var kjempestilige!!!
Og forresten - den ekle snøen som kom i går skal snart forsvinne den altså ;)
Herlige LOer!! Og som alltid fra din kant, for noen utrolig flotte bilder!!!!
Håper du har hatt en fin og avslappende påske.
Utrolig flotte layouter! Du lager så utrolig mye flott! :)
Den av Adrian er virkelig nydelig - utrolig lekre papirer og et flott bilde! Og Amalie er jo så søt - og layouten likeså!
Håper du har hatt en flott påske! :)
Du har nydelige bilder og nydelige LOer. Og du kommer deg stadig ;) Synes bildene gjør seg veldig med actions som du leker med for tiden :) Enig med de over - prøv deg i utenlandske magasiner, du lager virkelig mye bra for tiden ;)
Beautiful photos! Such striking photos can be difficult to incorporate into a layout - you did a great job!