Right. We moved in to this house like a little more than seven months ago this month. And moving houses means you have a ton of things you'd like to do to make the house more "you", no? To me the major thing was to paint the walls and ceiling in the livingroom white. Pretty much all the mainwalls and ceilings in the house is wood....worn wood (livingroom, the loft, the entrance-rooms). I got kinda sick of the "color" wood from our old house - lots of wooden walls and ceilings there too! I wanted bright colors making it easier for my flash to bounce and give good lightning for my indoor-piccies in the winter! (It's all about photography you know ;p) So with that in mind we painted half the livingroom white (the other half was already in a "washed" white - I want it painted opaque white too but it'll have to wait) and started on the ceiling. 1/3rd into the ceiling and we got guests from Sweden, prompting us to take a break. Then we were leaving for our central-Europe-vacation. Then school and work started. And here we are now, in the middle of the busy busy month of Christmas, and we decided to at least try wrap up the ceiling. I need all the help I can get to make this years Christmas-photos good!!!! Besides, my mom and stephdad are coming over from Oslo to celebrate Christmas with us, we're hosting our very very first Christmas in our own home (w/ Simens mom & grandparents and possible bro/fiancee)... and the Swedes!!! They're coming over for New Year aswell - the same ones who was here this summer - can't let them see that our ceiling has not been worked on since they left!?! (not that they would notice tbh, but ;p)
So, here we are, frantically trying to wrap up what we should have done long time ago. Procrastination FTW! Oh, and know what? I totally forgot what shade of white we painted the ceiling in, and we have three or four different buckets stored here and I was like....um....err.....right......eh... so late last night I spent an hour searching my local forums and this blog for any mention of what kind of colors I did where - and I made a minibook-journal about the move and the new house and stuff but I never got as far as to write about the living room.....grr!!! And everywhere I looked - the message board and this blog and the journal - I just mentioned how unsure I was about what shade to choose for the ceiling and which choices I had and that I still was not sure what to pick and yada yada blah blah blah. Duh! We're guessing we went with egg-white - it's probably correct but it would still be nice to know for sure :p But there - now I've mentioned the choice we're going for this time at least! Egg-white! For future reference! :p
While looking through my old posts I did kinda miss writing in Norwegian - even though it means the posts will be soooo long.....as if they weren't long enough already. We'll see. I know you Norwegian readers thinks it's easier to read in Norwegian aswell instead of having to go through my whacked English :p
Showing a piccie of my preps - see the plastic on the floor/fireplace? Dexter's aint got nothin on me!! ;)

Ps. While workin the paint I was listening to MTV's top ten Britney Spears songs.....seriously...somebody save BritBrit!! I miss the old her. So fun to make fun of her and she did have cool upbeat popsongs....now? It's no fun to make fun of her anymore :(
Edit2: ok. 2 hours of painting. Kinda fun and boring at the same time. 2 more hours and I can paint again. Free time!

Oh! My heart. Yes I know! The windows really needs to be washed!!! :p
Liker at du skriver på engels jeg. Får litt trening i engelsk og syntes ikke det tar noe lengre tid å lese heller.
Så flink du er til å male!!
Er en kjemmpe fordel å ha hvit tak når man bruker blitz inne ja!
love everything!!
So cool! I love reading your blog, and all the pics of your scrapping things... wow. I will definitely come back here to read some more stories! :)So please, continue writing in english, not in norwegian! My swedish sucks, so can't read in norwegian as well...heh. But well, that's you who decides. So glad to find you after so many years.
Taket kommer til å bli veldig bra!
Hvitt tak er fint! :D Blir nok bra å bli ferdig med det!
KJempekoselig pepperkakehjertet. Jeg gleder meg til å bake og henge opp i kjøkkenvinduene.
Og engelsk er helt fint for meg - du skriver bra uansett! :D
Ha en strålende fredagskveld! *klem*
love that ania... i've been thinking of making one too. and love seeing pics of your home.
Blir nok bra når du er ferdig å male.
Koselig hjerte. :D
Ha en fin helg...
Lykke til med maling av taket! Kjekt med lyst tak - det hjelper på ;) Kommer du på treff på tirsdag forresten? Klem, E
Tusen takk for ideen Ania, den rammen var genial. Der har jeg jaggu de tre gavene jeg mangler i boks. *jippi*