So, last night I prepped the calendar - prepacked surprises from grandma - love how she always does this every year - goes looking for random small stuff for all her four grandchildren... so that all we need to do is to assemble them onto the calendar and watch the kids open them....:) The kiddo saw me doing this and ran to fetch my cam.... I was like "uhmm thats nice of you but be careful don't do that wo asking again" ...then I went to get the flash so that he could have a better chance of taking ok piccies as it was dark :p Isn't he good? He went around me taking piccies from various angles while I worked..... he's learned his lesson well I dare say ;)

I also managed to do other christmassy things last night...
Looking at the remaining challenges I needed to finish for the Designing With 2007 calendar-challenge-thingie going on at Lifetimemoments (if I do 48 out of 52 weeks I'll get a RAK. I've done 41 weeks so far. The RAK better be rockin cause this is tough!) I decided on a whim to do the one based on Nov 28 - Create simple, yet striking, cards with vintage paper and accents. I just knew I wanted to make a tree outta the I did....totally love how this turned out - and it was so fast to make it too! I'm not really fond of repeating myself but I'm totally gonna lift this over and over again I think. Need more small cute buttons tho.
Also wrapped up my Christmas-journalbook (note to self: do NOT ever ever get such bright ideas that you're gonna sew on 24+ pages ever again!!!!!!!!). Now. Remains to be seen wheter I actually manage to fill them aswell :p Also started on two identical Christmasframes - didn't get to finish these so hope to do that today. Will show you when I'm done - did this last year too after an idea by Ali Edwards but didn't make one for myself back then.

So. The big day!
And I slept thru it. At least the opening-part - which hubby helped the kids with. Without the camera. Ohwell. :p The kids got caps in their first packets - very useful - Adrian keeps forgetting/misplacing his :)

This months Decemberkit at Bad Girls... it's delicious! I love the fact that I can look at a kit and go "nrgh pretty but so not me!" and then after being "forced" to work with it come to realize how much I seriously love the projects made with the kit..... it's like I'm being forced to really really work it and it kinda shows...(imhhho haha :p)
The first photos are from Papirfesten - the ladies featured in here are; Kerry Lynn, Kjersti, Mari, Ingunn, Christine, Trude Julie, May Lis and Joanna. I seriously wish Catrine and Oddbjørg was in this picture too. Hrmf. I guess it's true what they say about photography; If you want specific photos - don't hesistate to take it! I *loved* this stair from day one when we helped carry stuff from Scrappejungelen through it...I was so picturing this picture then but didn't have the guts to tell the girls "Yo ladies get over here I need (anoher) picture!" (cause I kinda did that twice earlier that day downtown :p) this is one of the last photos from Papirfesten before I had to go..

Lemme tell you a secret. When I purchased my little sewing-machine one and half year ago I did so solely because I already loved to sew on my layouts but the machine I used back then was so big and lunatic (sometimes it'd do as told, sometimes it'd do....different). So. From day one my new sewingmachine was used on paper only. No fabric....I was afraid to break my machine on fabric...*cough*. Anyways. Looks like scrappers around me are like, "I scrap therefore I sew in fabric aswell" (Hi Silje! =) ). So. It can't be thaaat dangerous :p This is the fabric-debut of my sewingmachine ;) Just had to do something where this gorgeous trim would be number one kinda (Check out Cari's totally lovely wreath on the DT pages - oooooh soooo pretty! Almost wish I didn't sew my trim to this now, I wanna do that too!!). Anyways. Pouch. Needed a minialbum to put into it. So. Made one using the Daisy D rubons & papers from the kit. :p (ps. LOVELOVELOVE the red note-paper from CI!!!!!! And the pink one aswell...mmm!)

Did you really read through all this? Wow. *waves*
Have a wonderful, joyous, peaceful, non-stressful, lovely great advent! :)
Ps. Might have another post later today ;)
å du har vært produktiv! også midt i julekalenderland...julekalender er kaos...jeg har laget tre til venninner nå, ble gal på slutten...
ha en super helg!!
Åh, disse LO'ene og minialbumet er så nydelige!!! Kult med totalt forskjellig stil på de to layoutene!!!
Og ja - jeg skulle ønske jeg hadde bildere av alle samlet og. Hihi, vi har vel lært til neste gang i det minste.
Ha en flott søndag! *klem*
så mye lekkert!!!!!!fyttigrisen!!!!jeg sitter her og sikler nesten!!!