Happy mail day - a few weeks ago I won a RAK at
Funky Finds - a blog devoted to cool and funky finds, mostly from Etsy but also a lil around - but that kind of stuff... they had a HUGE jewellery-give-away and I thought I just won one jewellery but in fact, I got three jewelleries!! And best of all?? I got the one I wanted the most!! A
Lisa Leonard necklace - "love well" - same as in this photo just without the pearl (photo snagged from her blog) - but with a small hammered heart instead....YAY!!! Insta-love!! I also got a sprinkled ring from
CBT's closet (very funny one - Amalie loved it - shame it's too big for her - so I'm wearing it instead and it's kinda growing on me - it's funny and I've never worn huge rings before - me like! And check out my cool black nails!) and a pair of earrings from
Smu-Topia! Yay!! What a lovely start on the Easter :)
Some answersCarrin wondered what I had done with the edges to the layout
in this post. I just used my bind-it-all holemaker on it. I know 7gypsies has a a holemaker in this shape aswell, or you could just use your regular holemaker. I just wanted the edges to be like, torn without being torn..to show that although I was trying to be happy about the stuff I made the layout about I kinda wanted the holes to remind me how I felt....like...fringed edges kinda...I dunno...
And Iris wondered how I did the edges on the photos in this minibook in
the last post... I just drew them like freehanded...freestyle...doodled :) Nothing hokuspokus about it...I used an American Craft precision pen - size 0.8 - I think the thickness of that helps make it kinda cool and easy to draw. That pen is also one of the best to use on photos imo - dries quick and doesn't smear...well, I haven't intentionally tried to smear it but ...I just like it for photos :) (for journaling I actually like zigs or signo best)

Classes & peek stuffI am currently working on a few samples for my upcoming classes for
Scrappejungelen in Stavanger - I believe more info about that are to come after the Easter (but keep 18-19.April available if you're around Stavanger ;) ). You're gonna play with lots of yumminess, that much I can promise you - see, I'm kinda a Prima-Donna - that is - a Prima instructor - so we're gonna play with lots of cool
Prima-stuff :) And there'll be different stuff to learn in each of the classes - we're gonna do 3-4 templates in each of the classes.

Am also working on some other stuff - well, I'm kinda done but I'm thinking I should play more because I'm not really happy with what I've done to now, so we'll see....that one will be revealed by the end of this month...and no, it's not Bad Girls stuff ;p
For the photo/techie/printnerdsOh, and I was testing some yesterday - printing in photoshop with both Adobe RGB and sRGB. My monitor is calibrated, the printer is not afaik. I let Photoshop handle the colors and chose Adobe RGB and then sRGB the next round because I thought the first print (adobe RGB) paled significantly compared to what I saw on the screen and was curious enough to try sRGB to see if there was any diff. Surprisingly enough the sRGB seemed to be more like what I saw on the screen - hmm. Weird, cause I know photoshop stores my photos with an Adobe RGB profile unless I do "save for web" - then it stores it in sRGB. Weird, but interesting. Ohwell - I usually print with my printers program anyways, it's been kinda more reliable than printing with photoshop to me (only do that when I want the exact measurements to be this and that -then I use print from photoshop) - but now I guess I know why it's been somewhat unreliable cause it's default is to print with adobe RGB. Hm. Need to test with more photos before I can tell for sure anyways. Sorry for the bad photo - late at night but thought I'd snap a proof before cutting out the photo.. hey if you know more feel free to explain to me :)
I got an award!!!Sweet
Iris and
Janine both gave me this award - doh! Seriously girls, I'm so throwing that award back at ya cause - I can't list this without including you too! Love you girls :) Always a joy to drop by your blogs and see your creations :)
According to Iris the rules are;
The rules for the You Make My Day award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times yourself, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.So, let's see..who else can I list?? I stalk oh so many blogs... but my fave scrap-stalkplaces must be..
- Iris - looking for the perfect layouts? Look no further. She's also such a sweet gal - *hugs* :)
- Janine - I have the same feeling when it comes to her layouts - they're just perfect. And all those little details!! And I love her photos - sooo envying her studio-experience :)
- Tracie - Seriously one of these gals you just want all the best in the world to happen to. Totally rocking the papers and SO creative! *hugs*
- Kathrine - alright, she's kinda a sucky blogger (and she knows that keke) - but when she does update her blog - mm love her stuff. :)
- Silje & Xstine - gotta mention them together :) Two cool chicks and their stuff always makes me smile and happy cause it's...happy stuff! :)
- Ingunn - incredibly sweet and a top notch scrapper and photographer.
- Karen Russel - I don't know her - but yet I feel like I do through her blog. Yep. Major stalk-alert here. Love that she always includes so many photos of her everyday-life and her CI-stuff is cool :).
- Celine Navarro - she's so creative - really an artist - her mixed media background shows. Really looking forward to attend her class :)
- Kayla Aimee - love reading her blog. She's funny - and the most weirdest things keeps happening to her :p Another one I just stalk cause it's amusing (in a good way!) reading what she's up to.
On a personal noteAdrian is off for a few days at the summer-place with grandma, uncle/fiancee and two of the boys (they've got six kids in between them). Soo we're stuck with Amalie for a few days ;p She pouted because Adrian got to go with grandma and not her, so we gave her her Easter-egg early. Happy girlie ;) She also thought my ring was so cool that she wanted one of her own, and
proceeded to make her own from some geomag-sticks. Clever DIY-girl there, eh :) And hey this IS annoying - when it's something she wants and I initially tell her "no" she asks "bliiiiiiiiiiiizz" (she's trying to say "please" - her big brother is learning some English at school and loves to throw around english words here and there - "yes!" , "nooooo" and "please" comes to mind and well, she snatched up the meaning of the latter fairly quick). She's so cute that I give in most of the times....sigh..she just ran away with a stamp I had stamped to use with my current project...hrmf..gotta hunt her down to get it back :p

God påske!
Her har vi en hjemmepåske, men farmor tok med seg Adrian ut på hytta så vi er tre enn om så lenge - de visste ikke helt hvor lenge de skulle være ute - det kom litt an på været og sånn. Her er det sol og snø og regn litt om hverandre - men det er kaldt ute og kjennes litt påskeaktig ut i lufta iallefall :) Ungene har fått hver sine funky påskeegg fra farmor - Amalie måtte få sin tidlig for hun ble jo litt lei seg da hun ikke fikk være med ut på hytta - men vel, det er jo litt mindre arbeid med Adrian, spesielt når han kan få være med noen andre unger der ute og. Jeg var så heldig å vinne noen smykker fra Funky Finds - og Amalie beundret spesielt ringen min - hun ble så begeistret at hun lagde seg sin egen fra geomag-stickene med en gang etter at jeg bad om å få min tilbake (hun kommer jo bare til å miste den og greier.--dessuten var den for stor til henne :P).
Ellers skal jeg holde kurs i Stavanger snart om ca en mnd (18-19. april). Kurset er åpent for alle - både hørende og døve - håper jeg ser noen døve der og denne gangen. Sist jeg holdt kurs i Stavanger var det jo bare hørende der så ;p Mer info kommer etter påsken tenker jeg.
Ha en riktig god påske dere som kikker innom :)