So I get a permission to leave and I grab it cause, well, I don't do much but sleep and stuff at the hosp but hm, tbh, there's like a reason to why sleep all the time at the hosp no? Sooo admitting defeat I'm going back there tonight and hopefully I'll be home tomorrow in a much better shape than atm. Cause atm it sucks being me ;p
Alright. Didn't get the piccies to work yesterday so. Leaving the text as is. Went home for a bit yesterday (sunday) and then back to hosp same night. Am home again today and well, I am feeling better but if I like, rock a bit and tug deep deep inside I can feel the dizzy tingle of sitting on a merry-go-round. Funny eh? Ohwell. Nuff boring talk.
Wanted to share the Fancy Pants loving lately - looooove these papers so much...the photos just doesn't yield them any justice! :/
The first layout bears an explaination maybe - you see - we went BBQing in Vienna last summer and our little girlie went to sleep - and slept through most of the evening. When she woke up she instantly wanted in on the fun and grabbed the first and biggest sword she could find, went down the stairs and joined the game. You see, our hosts were RPG-players - as in playing roleplaying games for real - having a wonderful arsenal of totally cool weapons made of soft foam :) Lots of fun - dunno who had the most fun - our kids or the big kids ;p Anyways - love how Amalie just flung herself into it - alright Athena had a spear as her official weap but ey, details ;p Can't get over how cool she looked carrying a sword larger than herself haha...
The second layout is for Pencil-Lines (with Corinne Delis as our guest this week - love the circles!!), and the third one for Scrappedugnad with Dina Wakley and hey, even more circles! ;p
I'll get around to the other tags as soon as I'm able to think straight. Which I'm not really atm sorry!
Ania! You blow me away! Fytti for noen lekre lo'er! Du er helt genial altsaa!
Skikkelig inspirerende :)
Great stuff! Your work is awesome! LOVE the pencilines sketch!
Gorgeous!!!!! Awesome Lo´s!
wow, you are just loving FP and I can see why!! YUMMMOOOO layouts girl, love them!!!
Så masse stilig du lager!! :)
Så spreke flotte farger. Du gir inspirasjon til å bruke papir som ellers ligger langt utenfor det jeg hadde våget på.. Ha en flott tirsdag Ania.
adore your Pencil Lines sketch this week hun, hope you are feeling better soon xx