Gievf my BG kit!
Bye tnx.
I was happy to note that my kit had left the US the day after it was posted. However, that's now 2+ weeks ago and it has yet to surface to tell it has arrived Norway. I am starting to believe they put it in the wrong cargo and it's been shipping surface (as with boat) rather than by plane, which I believe shouldn't take more than one, maybe three days TOP until the tracing tells me it's arrived kinda.
I hate to peek at the other girls layouts before I've made my own, but I had no choice this time and holy smokes. They. All. Rock. So in a way I'm kinda glad mine hasn't arrived yet really cause I'd just be stuck thinking there's no way I can make anything as cool or beautiful or wonderful like they've done this time. Seriously! I'm just so like, in envy thinking of the stuff and cool ideas they did with this kit. Go here if you want peeks of the kit itself btw.
Nothing I can do about that now anyways. Hey. Thank you so much for your support yesterday!! :) :) I'd gladly teach anywhere. Almost haha :p Just nudge your local store *cough* *cough*
Ohwell. Letsee whats on the menu today..
go to the dentist
clean up the kitchen
clean up the livingroom
wash travelling-clothes for Simen
make large batches of salad (travellingfood for him + food for me! - really - salad ain't "diet" to us cause we just end up eating a lot cause it's so yummy :p)
print photos (shit I hate this part!)
pack for crop
bake a cake for said crop
attend the crop
And here I am sitting in front of the pc drinking warm tea cause we woke up to 30+ cm with snow this morning (that's like, 12 inches with snow). Sigh. And I really really thought it was supposed to be spring now...ohwell...little more tea & breakfast while looking at photos then I'll go clean up. Promise.
Must. Share. Photo.
So I'll share an old layout today - I made this for an article I wrote for "Vi Scrapper" (jan or feb I think - well - the winter edition anyways) about kits - here I'm using a kit from Sweet Spuds.
Så flott LO... Likte sirkelarket du har brukt på denne. Og så nydelig den jenta di er!:D
I love that little calendar on the lo! so cute and delightful!
kjipt med treg post!
Oh Dang that sucks about your kit! Your layouts are ALWAYs jawdropping.....can't wait to see what you create when you get it...keeping my fingers crossed for ya! ;)