Bad Girls January kit hit the road just a few days ago - a really lovely kit which just seem so perfect for January - soothing and elegant and so perfect for the winter-y feeling of January.
Am totally in love with Jeni Bowlins incredibly smooth rubons!!! This is my niece -my oh-all-too-grown-up-niece. Sigh. Love her so much.

My son was looking forward to an evening at school and was so excited...just had to follow him around until he was ready to go ;p

This lovely gang...never manage to get everybody there 100% but we'll keep trying right ;p

Cookiejar! Darn I love making these, so fun turning a plain box/jar into something elegant..love that it's see through so you can see the cookies inside kinda :)
I have a shoutout to Emeline and Oddbjørg -
way to rock the gallery this month alongside the Bad Girls!!
Also - this was my last kit with Bad Girls - I made the decision to resign a few weeks ago...it wasn't easy (it never is) but I believe it's just the way life goes at times..I've been with Bad Girls kits since September 2007 and I have truly enjoyed my time there, always done my best month after month and I hope it has shown... :) I've had such great fun and learned so much with the Bad Girls - it's truly been a honor working alongside these gals and to experience...well, the whole experience...the joy of creating stuff from kits, the fun of sharing with others..all those workshops and contests which have been such a blast...but.. by the end I had to realize it simply just took too much time ...time away from the actual scrapping itself, which I truly enjoy and would prefer to focus my scrapping-time at, especially now when I am trying to be more structured with my time and how and maybe especially when I spend it..some priorities have simply just shifted... so yeah, it's sad closing this chaper of my scrappy life and I wish everybody at Bad Girls the very very best...:)