I made two big pockets - used a combo of sewing and thick and sturdy 3dfoam (used for framing) to make the pockets...I've used Fancy Pants Designs stuff here - the background is from their Arctic Chill line (LOVE this particular paper - perfect for backgrounds) and the rest is from the Happy Holidays line...I'm particulary fond and proud of the transparency ("Tis the Season") which is layered over the pocket-paper - loved this transparency but was so unsure of how to actually use it. Put together this layout (sans adhering/sewing) while scrapping with Eli - spent all day chatting and youtubing (haha) and like, an hour before I had to go we were like, uh, yeah, suppose we should get around to do what we were supposed to do...scrap?? :p Finished the layout a few days later :p Thanks for the time together :) And tomorrow's another day of scrapping with friends - looking forward to it! :)
Ps. Hate titles, so I have decided to use songtitles and part of lyrics from now on. Methinks. Will try to anyways.
Todays title from If a song could get me you - Marit Larsen.
Utrolig kul kortholder. Er så usikker på om jeg skal scrappe julekortene jeg fikk eller ikke (",) Gleder meg til i morgen!!!
Klem, S
Ja vi fikk jo scrappet litt *knis* Flott ble den Ania - og jeg må lage noe sånt jeg også. Greit å ha kortene samlet et sted. Blir kjekt i morgen!! Klem
så stilig kortholder!
Så bra at du likte den lille fuglen! Pusekatten min klarte nesten å spise den opp før jeg fikk sendt den, men den kom fra det uten skavanker! :) Så utrolig lurt å lage to lommer! Da blir det jo ekstra kult og layouten blir ikke sånn kjempetykk på ett sted, liksom!
such a great idea !!