Ms. Coe reminded me that I was still very much alive (I guess I am) and that I should get my ass back on track with FFF. A very much needed kick, thank you! (and I miss you too :) ) :D

- My kids. My silly kids. I haven't pulled the camera out as often as I would have liked lately. Which is just as well I guess, considering the unnecessary (???) space I usually spend on them on the disk :p And I hate the (lack of) light and stuff. But ohwell. Still. I need to be reminded how silly they can be at times. Like when Adrian claims that Amalie can fly with her butterflywings. And a little bit of help from him ;p Love you :)
- Wine.
It's been a while since I purchased wine just for "fun". Like, a glass or two (or three) in the evenings at the weekend. Yum. Much needed! - SO excited about the new Hambly stuff!! Check out the wings and little circles here!!! YESS!!!! Lovelovelove the old mod circles - but have secretly wished they would make some of the patterns into fullfledged patterns kinda like, in addition - and yay!
- One of my fave new stuff from Fancy Pants must surely be the Mixed Media books. Can't wait to play around with these myself! And Im so in awe and jealous of the fellow DT-girls who have gotten around to play with the new stuff already. Me wanna too!!
- World of Warcraft. Have really enjoyed playing more again lately. I do enjoy the pve-stuff, am not and have never been much for pvp..enjoying raiding and instancing with friends.. hope they'll put in some new instances soon :)
- Oh, adding a 6th - CHA is here and I love the peeks all around -- I haven't been following the new stuff closely as I have used to, but I did note that I surely would not mind most of what Sassafras, October Afternoon, Prima, Pink Paislee, Websters Pages and actually Basic Grey comes out with too (have a love-hate-relationship to their papers..but theyre really too darn awesome this time). Oh, and did you see the new Fiskars-punches?? Must-have!! Some KI aswell, and I simply love the boldness that is American Crafts :) *sighs*
Not much.
Keep having the house full of kids - friends of Adrian dropping by all the time. Lots of noise. Cute boys and girls though, and Amalie loves to try and hang around them :)
Listening to the Cranberries atm. Enjoyed listening to Tori Amos all evening yesterday while sipping wine and raiding. I think I'll do No Doubt tomorrow. Waiting and longing for the new releases from Hambly, Fancy Pants and Luxe to arrive - the two first ones have been sent, while the latter will be sent next month. I'm so bad when it comes to waiting. Feels like I can't do much now when I know new stuff will be arriving soon :p And I need to get started with ordering new Prima-samples for future classes - but darn how am I supposed to be able to pick what I want to work with -- their new stuff is just amazing :D Got another mini-book picked up by Scrapbook Trends. Yay. Oh. And I spent 35minutes on Wii Fit yesterday, yay me ;p My tummy aches now tho *cough*
Todays title: "Zombie" by the Cranberries
Jeg er strangely unimpressed med CHA denne gangen, men jeg syns mesteparten av Pink Paislee var veldig kult. Og den lille gakk-gakk rubber charms-en fra OA var søt. Og Fiskars punch må man ha. Syns i grunnen det er litt greit at jeg ikke syns det var så mye kult, for da kan jeg heller bruke pengene på album og kanskje få et slags system i galskapen.
Kamikaze girls var rare greier! Og Wii fit, haha... Jeg spilte i dag og fikk beskjed om at jeg ikke hadde vært så aktiv den siste uka, gitt. Jeg digger seff pingvin-balanseøvelsen :D Klem!
PS: Miss you too!
Og PS2: Vil anbefale "The Graveyard book" dersom du ikke har lest den enda. Jeg er ca halvveis og storkoser meg :D
Godt å høre du er i gjenge, snakkes plutselig! Og du, de ungene dine er virkelig skjønne!
Hi, hi. Alltid like morsomt å lese om dine FFF og andre meninger om ditt og datt. Ha en fin fin lørdag kveld og søndag! Er forresten enig i dine CHA favoritter....
Herlige FFF...Ungene er skjønne
Nye yummy scrappesaker er alltid spennende og leke med....
Ha en flott søndag =)
Sounds like you're doing well, ania! Yum, you're making me want to go pour a glass of wine - perhaps I will ;-) I keep hearing how awesome wii fit is, I want to try it! Love the pics of your kids - they look like they're having so much fun! Can't wait to see what you do with your new stuff when it comes!!
i am so buying wii soon. . . !!! :D
Jeg har nesten ikke sett på cha-tingene i år, men likte blant annet websters page godt. Vet ikke om jeg klarer å bruke de til noe, men.. Verdt et forsøk. Gleder meg i alle fall til nyhetene begynner å komme på jobb. Det lukter så vilt godt av papirene når man pakker de ut :) papirgeek :)
Jeg begynte kjempebra med Wii Fit. Det var bare det at vi pakket en bag og flyttet hjem til mamma og pappa fire dager etter at vi kjøpte den. Flyttet hjem i går og tørr ikke å skru den på. Er redd for kjeft. Fnis.
Også må jeg flire litt av at Kine sier hun skal kjøpe album siden det ikke kommer noe hun vil ha fra CHA. Album er så kjipe penger! (og jeg anbefaler også Graveyard book! Søøøøøt!)