Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ This Weekend ~~

Posted by Ania On Monday, September 13, 2010

My nephew had his confirmation, and hubbys granddad celebrated his 85th bday. In other words, the weekend was filled with lots and lots of (way too) great food ;)


I had to work some – that is, creating cards and stuff for these celebrations – but am only able to share this one now though, as the two others are part of future tutorials. I have to say I love this paper from 3ndypapir – totally perfect for youths. It’s so colorful and funky, so it’s not really “necessary” to add a lot to it – just add a label (I used Kitschy Digitals’ Kawaii labels – this card was for mother-in-law who gave him a full fruitbasket) and you’re pretty much done. Letters from Fancy Pants Designs.

september-11,-2010-5 Here’s the inside – I made room for a giftcard plus a pad to write on. I sort of felt bad for the card being so simple (but really, it didn’t need much more methinks), so I sewed on the journalpad and punched funky edges w/my fiskars edgepuncher. And notice the cute button? It’s from Pink Paislee – had to use something to keep the giftcard in the card. The lined paper is from Crate Paper by the way.


Speaking of mother in law, she made a 60 metre long song for the celebration of the confirmed. It started on one end and ended on another – namely where Amalie sat. All the guests were to sing the part that came along the paper – while it was moving around. It was pretty amusing and actually worked out well :)DSC_3825aAnd for the celebration of the granddad, he brought all of us to the VilVite-senteret, a very popular interactive science centre where people can experiment scientific stuff themselves for a day of knowledge activities and food at their restaurant by the end of the stay. And uh, here’s the restroom – I’m sorry but I just HAD to snap a picture or two inside there – look at the bright, funky doors! Amalie was thrilled and picked the pink one (ahwell :p).

DSC_3826a DSC_3933a

Here’s me cycling this bike around the circle :p (it’s very funny until you’re stopped mid-air hanging upside down for a sec :p). They film you too, you know, your face while you’re biking – I opted to say “no thank you” to having the movie of myself downloadable on the web :p (to enter this centre we get our personal cards we’re able to swipe at the different attractions, to be able to access our own data later on the web)


And here’s the kids and their cousin experiencing various grades of windstrengths.

annoyed Wrapping this post with a layout I made for Crate Paper, using their School Spirit-papers and some Hambly Screenprint-rubons. I’ve noticed I like to try put down some thoughts and reflections on layouts, instead of using an art journal I guess. Whatever works for me, I guess.

annoyed_cuTo make the journaling+rubons more visible against the patterned paper I rubbed gesso on the area to sort of whitewash it. Worked out nice, didn’t?

artmacht Oh, almost forgot. A street art piece from the University-area. Do you find it peculiar? I’ve written down my thoughts about this one on my other (Norwegian) blog. The artist is N-Joy (thanks Eli, wasn’t entirely sure how it was signed – could just make out the word “joy” with something in front :p).

7 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ This Weekend ~~'

  1. Catrine Said,
    12:19 PM

    Ser og høres ut som en fin helg!
    Kult kort og flott LO! Funker glimrende uten bilde og!
    Ha en fin-fin dag! *klem*


  2. Sasha Farina Said,
    3:04 AM

    okay.. where is that restroom again? i need a photoshoot there :D


  3. Eli Said,
    7:54 AM

    Hihi - jeg har bilder fra doen på VilVite jeg også ;) Herlige farger - sånt som bare roooper på en! Flotte ting du har laget; og så utrolig kult med sangen i konfirmasjonen!! - og bildet av Amalie med alt papiret ved siden av seg var utrolig stilig :) Alltid gøy å kikke innom her hos deg! *klem*


  4. Christiane Said,
    5:12 PM

    count me in for the restroom-shoot too, please!!
    love all your shots and work!!
    love from the danish border!!


  5. Staci Taylor Said,
    3:49 AM

    very cool project, ania! love seeing your pics - you always take such great ones!


  6. Iris Uy Said,
    7:32 PM

    your projects and your pictures are always so stunning. It's a sweet treat to visit your blog:)


  7. Hilde Said,
    4:39 PM

    Hi! I just discovered your blog and I love it :)
    Er N-Joy litt som Banksy? (Banksy er fra England. Jeg har vært i Bergen før- veldig penn! Og jeg gleder meg til min først norsk juleferie


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-