For the very first time! Wee! Ett Trykk has two of my pictures (altered shadowboxes kinda) featured in the June mag.
However...I think I'm also somewhat disappointed I'm afraid....they managed to lose the descriptions of these two pictures, so I got like, two or three lines in the mag kinda....sniff...and I feel like the descriptions were important parts of the whole thing kinda......BUT! Being published sure is fun! Kinda feels like you at least get some recognizion for the work kinda....*blush*
So. Things are fun these days when it comes to scrapping. Winning the storechallenge and getting published.
Anyways. Fun thread. had a contest about making a layout about springtime, and I won!! Wheee!!!
*happyhappy* I've never won in any scrappingcontest before, well, apart from the Sassafrass brackeletstamps I won at amillion because I was the one guessing closest to the correct number, but that doesn't really count, so I'm like, WEEE! :D
*very happy* :)
The layout can be seen both above and at ;) The pictures were some days after I got myself my DSLR, and needless to say I was like, testing my camera all the time....from that session alone (the above layout) I did like, 246 pictures =)
Ps. LOVE LOVE LOVE Scenic Route Northshore! NEED more of these papers. Really.
Psps. Hmm....what shall I choose? Sensible, boring and expandable stuff like adhersives etc as my reward, or go for fun stuff like papers and stash? *boggle*
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I'm leaving for Oslo in like, two days, and I'm starting to slightly panic. I'm supposed to scrap with my sis & Linda (more than once they said), show Karen how/what scrapping is, and try and attend a crop or maybe even two. And I'm like, I normally never know which pictures to scrap before I have a current project or am like, ok, I have time to scrap now, which picture(s) shall I scrap, and then I look at the pictures stored at my pc and pick out some, adjust them slighly in PS, decide how many pictures to scrap and how to scrap them, as in, which picture is gonna be which size, then I print the pictures and THEN I can start scrap kinda.....(yeah, I think I'm spending slightly above average time on the picturephase) but the point is, I rarely print pictures for more than one project at a time. And now I kinda have to plan several projects, cause it'd so suck to run outta photos when I wanna scrap more, and I'm! Need to prepare several projects at once! Eep...*breathes**panics**breathesmore*
Ohwell. I've prepared pictures for three projects/layouts, just have to figure out the setup and which size so I can print them and move on to the next set of pictures kinda. Which kinda means I need to prepare how the layout is gonna look for every picture I print kinda. What if I lose my ideas in the meantime kinda, from printage to actual scrappage.....oh, the horror......><
Jeje.....maybe I can convince my stephfather that it'll be ok for me to use his exlusive photopaper and print photos in Oslo....after all I'm just gonna stay there for a week it'll be ok to use the photopapers just a few times during my stay =) Hm. Good idea. I'll mail him immediately asking :)
Gonna take a lot of pictures during my stay for sure :) Planning to hit Tusenfryd aswell, the "local" amusement park. So gonna be fun for Adrian and Becca runnin around! :) Almost can't wait! And since it'll be like, offseason, the tickets are gonna be 90NOK cheaper than normal...that's good =)
By the way, I think I am getting hang of this photographing thing (except that my camera kinda tend to overexpose the pictures, I've tried to manually adjust the exposion to compensate for that, but is from a weekend in the beginning of May, at our trying to find other stuff to photograph than just my kids...and trying "new" angles kinda....(no offense, I adore them, think they're the cutest thing in the world etc etc, but it does get somewhat boring only taking pictures of them all the time no :P And scrapping them too......I recently did a layout of my niece...that felt good after an intense Amalie/Adrianscrapperiod :) Anyways...I usual =) )
The middle picture is my nephew :) Kinda like that angle :)

Ohwell. I've prepared pictures for three projects/layouts, just have to figure out the setup and which size so I can print them and move on to the next set of pictures kinda. Which kinda means I need to prepare how the layout is gonna look for every picture I print kinda. What if I lose my ideas in the meantime kinda, from printage to actual scrappage.....oh, the horror......><
Jeje.....maybe I can convince my stephfather that it'll be ok for me to use his exlusive photopaper and print photos in Oslo....after all I'm just gonna stay there for a week it'll be ok to use the photopapers just a few times during my stay =) Hm. Good idea. I'll mail him immediately asking :)
Gonna take a lot of pictures during my stay for sure :) Planning to hit Tusenfryd aswell, the "local" amusement park. So gonna be fun for Adrian and Becca runnin around! :) Almost can't wait! And since it'll be like, offseason, the tickets are gonna be 90NOK cheaper than normal...that's good =)
By the way, I think I am getting hang of this photographing thing (except that my camera kinda tend to overexpose the pictures, I've tried to manually adjust the exposion to compensate for that, but is from a weekend in the beginning of May, at our trying to find other stuff to photograph than just my kids...and trying "new" angles kinda....(no offense, I adore them, think they're the cutest thing in the world etc etc, but it does get somewhat boring only taking pictures of them all the time no :P And scrapping them too......I recently did a layout of my niece...that felt good after an intense Amalie/Adrianscrapperiod :) Anyways...I usual =) )
The middle picture is my nephew :) Kinda like that angle :)

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Got a very nice challenge from Ruby, to stop trying to be so damn perfect and do the "right" things, and rather just let loose and like, just go for things and play around more, when scrapping. She (and Ali Edwards) are so right. I do tend to get hung up in my search for the "perfect" layout, wanting to do things properly and as correct as possible. I guess most of us do. So well, with this in mind, I tried to just be whimsical and do things just because.....I'm not quite sure what I think of this one yet, but I felt kinda a bit back to basics with this one, as I used my own handwriting to do both the journaling and the accents to this page rid of a lot of leftoverpapers and brads at least :p And I just adore these pictures of Adrian having fun :) Oh! I got to use the Sassafrass stamps I won at amillion at NSD too!! LOL :) Just wish I had dared to stamp it a bit more randomly around the page, I think that'd fit... but ohwell, too late now...
Anyways, here's some more of my recent layouts...and I'm going to Oslo in a week or so, and I so can't wait - finally I'll get to scrap together with my sis and our friend - it'll be so cool. I even added us to a RL crop! My very first one...whee..:)
This one got me in a kinda mellow mood, and I think it shows.....the journaling tells how much I miss his cute babyface...*sigh*

Just LOVE the cute papers of the Chatterbox Cottage line :)
So romantic and great for little girls :)

I just LOVE this picture of Adrian....he was busy playing, and then suddenly he just stopped and went like this for a moment - long enough for me to snap this picture, mwahaha :) Added a poem of Piet Hein to this, as I thought it was perfect for the mood I was trying to make for this layout and the picture :)

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I could have had another baby by now. A girl or a boy half a year older than Amalie. I would have loved him or her very much. But life just didn't turn that way. I'm not sad about that anymore. I got Amalie, the cutest, most wonderful little girl on earth ever (to me anyways :P). I wouldn't have had her if the other baby was allowed to live. Weird huh. Cause I can't imagine life without Amalie. Did I mention she's the cutest little girl ever? :) But yes. Sometimes, on rainy days like this, I do happen to think about the other baby I didn't get to meet. And feel a bit sad. And sorta thankful, 'cause I wouldn't have had Amalie if not.
Some pictures from yesterday - May 17th - Norways National Day :)
Here's Adrian, not really behaving, but having fun nevertheless :p

Here's me trying to be a bit artsy - spinning around while taking pictures at slow shutterspeed.

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So, it's been a while I updated this blog with my recent works - so here goes - three of my better (I think :P) layouts lately.
Hehe, I was given a challenge to scraplift someone elses layout. I think it turned out pretty well, I know I had a blast just chilling out droodling and stuff on the layout. Every time I try doodling, it kinda feels less scary. Cool!

So, when Amalie turned one year, I ofcourse had to make a double-layout outta the day. This shows the whole day, from morning to evening, with text on the tags telling about the day, and more pictures on the back of the tags.

This is me playing photographer some time ago - outta like, 100 or so (I'm serious *blush*) pictures, only three or four actually came out good. The rest? know they're saying that babies are cute and still and stuff? Nu-huh! Not this baby! Nine outta ten times she kept crawling towards me, aiming for my camera wanting to touch it, and the tenth time she found something interesting at the sides of the bed. (Yeah, this is our bed, covered with sheets for this session). Anyways. The title spells "And who are you?", which pretty much sums it up what she thought about this pet. She was like..."uh, get it away from me" :P I've used Chatterbox papers (love them!) and selfmade chipboard/puzzle decorations.

Anyways. Summer's here in Bergen. Damn. I never got around to start that diet thingie in preparation for summer. Bleh.
Hehe, I was given a challenge to scraplift someone elses layout. I think it turned out pretty well, I know I had a blast just chilling out droodling and stuff on the layout. Every time I try doodling, it kinda feels less scary. Cool!

So, when Amalie turned one year, I ofcourse had to make a double-layout outta the day. This shows the whole day, from morning to evening, with text on the tags telling about the day, and more pictures on the back of the tags.

This is me playing photographer some time ago - outta like, 100 or so (I'm serious *blush*) pictures, only three or four actually came out good. The rest? know they're saying that babies are cute and still and stuff? Nu-huh! Not this baby! Nine outta ten times she kept crawling towards me, aiming for my camera wanting to touch it, and the tenth time she found something interesting at the sides of the bed. (Yeah, this is our bed, covered with sheets for this session). Anyways. The title spells "And who are you?", which pretty much sums it up what she thought about this pet. She was like..."uh, get it away from me" :P I've used Chatterbox papers (love them!) and selfmade chipboard/puzzle decorations.

Anyways. Summer's here in Bergen. Damn. I never got around to start that diet thingie in preparation for summer. Bleh.
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