Hehe, I was given a challenge to scraplift someone elses layout. I think it turned out pretty well, I know I had a blast just chilling out droodling and stuff on the layout. Every time I try doodling, it kinda feels less scary. Cool!

So, when Amalie turned one year, I ofcourse had to make a double-layout outta the day. This shows the whole day, from morning to evening, with text on the tags telling about the day, and more pictures on the back of the tags.

This is me playing photographer some time ago - outta like, 100 or so (I'm serious *blush*) pictures, only three or four actually came out good. The rest? Well......you know they're saying that babies are cute and still and stuff? Nu-huh! Not this baby! Nine outta ten times she kept crawling towards me, aiming for my camera wanting to touch it, and the tenth time she found something interesting at the sides of the bed. (Yeah, this is our bed, covered with sheets for this session). Anyways. The title spells "And who are you?", which pretty much sums it up what she thought about this pet. She was like..."uh, get it away from me" :P I've used Chatterbox papers (love them!) and selfmade chipboard/puzzle decorations.

Anyways. Summer's here in Bergen. Damn. I never got around to start that diet thingie in preparation for summer. Bleh.
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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.
-Tori Amos