Wohoo! I've been waiting for this!
Lovelovelove my layouts from this months Bad Girls kit......it's ok to say I love them isn't? Cause tbqh it's actually very rare that I love my own layouts. I may think that one or two are decent, and the rest just okay, and once in a while go "¤#%¤&/% oh bleh ohwell hiding this in the back of the album" .... and even rarer....really love a layout....for a week or two anyways (I have a very short...eh... love-span *rolls eyes*) buuut I digress.... hum...right..
When I first saw the papers we were getting in this kit...I went "Ooh looks like I'll go graphic for this". I mean...I picture Urban Lily as pretty graphicish. Still I love how the primapapers and the Mustard Moon-papers allowed for a little more layered shabby chick-look....and that on a boypage. :p And seriously. I'm **sooo** in love withe the Prima journalingspots!!! Damn! Love them! I'm normally not that wild about journalingspots but these......ooooh *swoon*... :) And! I have a little challenge going on at the Bad Girls forum - feel free to join - I'll draw a winner who'll get a little RAK from me :)
Btw! Pencillines is one year! (bet you knew that if you've been to my blog the past few weeks ;p) Hooray!! Huge congrats to Anna and the original PL girls! You'll find an interview with Anna - She Who Started It All - here - in addition to more information on what'll go on this month & all the prizes and stuff....not to mention the chance to land a publication in a printed magazine!! And tomorrow we'll start the party with the fun stuff :)
Deler noen LO'er fra denne måneds oktoberkit fra Bad Girls :) Digger hvordan LO'ene ble denne måneden *happy* :)
så mange kule layouter du har postet siden sist jeg var innom :) knalltøffe!
Rålekre lo'er, som alltid :D
Så flotte de ble!
Gleder meg til jeg får min pakke fra Bad Girls... :)
I like very much your drawn composition, very graphic work ;o)
Wouah c'est super beau !