Well, look what cheered me up today.... Tracie...seriously....*hugs* !!!!! You have no idea how much I appreciate this and how much I'm smiling right now! Go check it out...her Pencillines entry for the minialbumsketch from Caroline Lau (Maya Road)....
Here's mine by the way - yet another page to the unfinished Maya Road album of mine about the move and all :p I used a lil transparency, lil Maya Road chipboardalphas, dabbers to dress'em up, some yummy tags and Lindas superb journalingstamp (a HUGE fave!) to add some journaling.
kjempefott minialbum ania!!er Office limt på transparent? stilig!!
Og det albumet Tracie hadde laget til deg var rålekkert! Lucky u:)
Flott minialbum :)
Så stilig!!
I like what you have done
OHHH AND AHHH Of course you know I have to search for that lil minialbum so I can do it! LOL!!! LOVING IT!! ;)((HUGS))) 2 u!
Stilig minialbum!
Og så lekkert det Tracie hadde laget til deg var! *klem*