Finally home again after close to two weeks on the road - first to my mom in Oslo to get rid of the kids (*wink wink*), then off to Arendal to volunteer for
Norwegian Grand Prix, an offshore-racingthingie (which we attended
last year aswell) along with hubbys basketball-team & friends, then off to Kristiansand to meet mom&the kids and to drop by
Dyreparken (where we met another scrapbooker - L
aTunata - who recognized the kids&me :D) and then finally back home.
I've got quite a large number of photos to share - pretty much 'cause I suck at the culling thing...splitting'em up some, below are the photos from NGP in Arendal...

By the evening..

And by night..

Our first day started off fairly dramatic - at the meeting-place our boss yelled to us "There's been a fire, follow me!!" and just drove off and we were like, "Uh, fire?? Eh? Really??"
When we arrived the firemen were leaving - the fire was extinguished, there were still some smoke and the smell was thick in the air - and we were promtly put to save the pallets of gear from the warehouse and into the awaiting truck.

Our basket-boss to the left - Per Morten - and our construction-boss at NGP - Giska - to the right. He was our boss last year too, so it was great to serve him once again this year :) Fun fact - he's also the prez of the bikerclub Freedom Hunters in Arendal. Cool!

Before we could start on some tents we needed to get rid of some cars which were parked in the middle of the area where the tents were supposed to be. After trying to get hold of the owners to no avail we decided to get them pulled away.....sooooo I sorta looked forward to that part, making myself comfortable in front of the whole scene prepared to snap photos of the pulling-away-part......but bummer - the owners showed up just in time (after like 45mins) to drive away themselves. *cough*

Some of the construction-stuff were shipped w/ship. Cool.

Per Morten making holes on the ground :p

Some of the guys were pulled away to help build the tribunes.

While others were building fences..

Linda and Hilde (to the left) were working in the food-tent (to feed all the workers) all week.

Sometimes we forgot to bring the ladder along..but that didn't stop us from keeping on working :p

Me and my hubby went for tapas one evening.....ice-cold beer - the glass had been in the freezer prior to being used (hm. I sure think I'm fascinated by beer-shots)...

The food was darn lovely!!! Totally totally recommended (
Chaos & Tapas, Arendal)
(Afaik it's also a mixed gay meeting-place, for those who care about that)
Some of the guys taking a breather..

This was the VIP longue..

..and this was the VIP diner-room...

750 VIP-guests and only one washing machine & 2 (one of which didn't work half the weekend) for glasses etc)...mm fun - meant we had to work non-stop in between the meals to get everything ready for the next one..........

One of the boring tasks of the whole weekend was to make sure all the knives, forks&spoons were shiny.......before every single meal...*sigh*

Oh right. The main objective of the whole thing was the race :p


Per Morten..

Mmm and thats it from Arendal :)
I only have one thing to say...having a designated driver is great & very important, but next year it's totally so not gonna be me :p
Oh, and I wonder if I remember how to scrap now having been away for so long...