My minialbum-tutorial featuring the amazing Restoration-collection is now up at the Crate Paper-blog! Please do check it out – I worked hard for it! (okok, I just winged it, and surprisingly it turned out not too bad….have to make more of this kind of mini – first time I made one such like this one and I just guessed a lot hehe :) )
Here’s how it turned out…and there’s more images on the Crate blog :)

A quickie layout I made for Pencil-Lines sketch #199 (this Sunday = sketch #200!!) :)
We were guested by Swedish Mahlin Wiggur, whose layout is simply stunning!
I used kraft cardstock, Prima papers and flowers, Kraft Stickers and transparency from Hambly, a journaling tag from Elle’s Studio and letters from AdornIt and Luxe.
The travel details are being arranged as we speak, and I am starting to feel a slight tinge of excitement – if you’re around Paris, France by the end of November – why not drop by PACS (Paper & Co Show)? I’ll be teaching three different classes, as well as enjoying the other teachers’ classes there!
I’ve also made an own page for my design teams…I dunno if you’re “supposed” not to do so, but I felt like adding a few personal impressions/thoughts about the design teams I’m currently in, as well as quite a few of the ones from the past. I might tweak & edit it a bit more soon, but am happy for now. It’s an own page, and you can find it here (the static link is on the top of this blog by the way).
Been a bit “all about work” last week – but it was fun!
The image above is one of my faves (the other fave is at work – didn’t upload it here at my homecomputer – but will put it up soon because I adore the photo so much…that’s The Cumshots’ lead singer Kristopher Schau above by the way…who’s quite the person in the public..doing…uh, lots of weird stuff.… he’s also a writer…I read his book last fall, and was positively surprised..) from Lost Weekend, the local festival which took place last week/end. Being a photographer at a festival is so much fun – the music is always great (there’s something about live music – or maybe all the bands really were that good :p)’s also a bit like entering a schoolyard with a camera and a badge saying you’re from the newspaper – all the kids (or in this example - the drunk people :p) immediately runs to you, wanting to have their pictures taken…..
Being allowed to enter the area between the scene and the audience to take photos of both the bands and the audience – now that’s fun. You’ll have to like having beer occasionally spilled all over you though, especially from the rock/heavymetal-audience, being grabbed from behind (the security were quick to reprimand those who did so..not that it helped much :p), patted on your head and having fingers and hands trying to cover your lenses while shooting (gee how fun). Oh, and you also have to watch out for the artists potentially spitting or throwing cigs or even jumping from the scene. Not to mention avoiding the other photogs at the same, small area trying to shoot the same things you do. Still. Loved it :) Wish I dared speak more to the other photogs, but…hey..we were busy at work I guess..
And I did get quite a few really nice pictures – feel free to check’em out at the newspaper. One of the toughest things I had to do was to weed out the photos and select only a few for the paper on web…not to mention picking out even less for the paper-version! Ugh! Hate!
Also shot the national junior-championship in track and field athletics. Now that’s slightly dangerous, as you try to get the shot of the athletics throwing stuff then you gotta reorient yourself, watch out in the air and avoid actually getting hit and stuff (I shot both the discus and hammer throws). Interesting experience nevertheless, and slightly fun getting to walk around the field with a “PHOTOG” waistcoat (like; “whee I’m in the photog club!”). Envious of those w/300mm and I think I even saw one w/the 500mm one too once?? :p
Ah, I’m gonna miss work…last week now…then a wedding to shoot…then….a few days off before the university starts :)
Title: “Love the way you lie” – Eminem feat Rihanna