Take a deep breath.
Did you know that you gotta fill your tummy with air before exhaling?
And that you gotta push the air out kinda?
I didn't. Not really.
Trying to learn it now. It doesn't wanna come easily.
Every once in a while I'm breathing very loudly. It's supposed to help. I feel sorta funny when I do so, but what the heck.
I am fine.
Much better than I expected. That's good.
Adding another layout I did before I went to the hospital.
Love the kids. They're so cool and so much fun together. Love this cool paper here by Corinne Delis. Space Monkey! Haha.
Im working on catchin' up when it comes to blogging and stuff. Didn't have too much time to that when I was tryin to hurry wrapping up stuff moving painting and all that before hitting hospital. In a day or two I've hopefully gotten to the point where I'm able to browse through the norwegian blogs. I get so tired easily these days in front of the laptop. Can't figure out wheter it's the surfing or the pills or the food. Sorry for that. Looking forward to say hi to ya all and get updated some :)
Heisann, du! Slapp av og bruk tid på å komme deg til hektene. Håper alt er bra!
Kul LO, som vanlig. Jeg er så begeistret for stilen din, altså. Ha en fortsatt fin dag! Klem fra meg.
Hei ania! Så bra at du tross alt føler deg bedre enn du hadde frykta!! Håper alt leges fort så du snart er tipptopp igjen! Knallfin LO - kuul apekatt;o)
Klem, E*
Så bra at du føler det sånn da! X fingre for at det ikke henger så lenge i denne gangen som sist. Er jo så mye man gjerne skulle ha gjort og vært med på nå på sommeren. Ja; vi skal vel snart ha fotosession igjen ;) GOD bedring og slapp masse av!
Klem, Eli
It looks wonderful... I'm right now working on a layout with the same monkey paper LOL
BTW: thanks for your comment on my blog ;)