Chatterbox, Sassafrass Lass and Scenic Route pp. MAMBIsticker + Heidi Swapp alpha.

Looks like I kinda made the Pencil Lines DT. (o.O)
I'm amazed. Kinda stunned. Definately surprised. Pleasantly surprised if I may add. Reeeeeally pleasantly surprised :D I had known about the DT-call for a while, but hadn't thought about entering until some days before the deadline..then I thought..hm why not have a look at the sketch and see if it's manageable. And then I sent in some layouts along the mail. When I read at their website that they had 166 applicants I was like, yeah right, no way. So I didn't understand much when Gyda sent me an SMS when I was at the summerhouse with a congratulation about the DT position. "Uh?" I replied. Ka-ching!
Wrapping up challenges
Trying to wrap up some challenges and stuff. I was challenged by Smultringunn to lift Karla Dudleys cool "Happiness before breakfast". Ended up with a much more simple version - "Gjøgleri". I'm a simple girl ;p LOVED her LO though - so cool and sassy.
The other layout - "shrimps" - is to the "pick me up" challenge at Papirprat.no - yes - I totally copycat'ed the scrapologie-thingie cause it was so cool ;) This challenge was - something brown, buttons, two hearts in diff shapes, three papermanufacturers and rubons. I really adore that picture of Adrian - it's pretty cute and I love his fascination for all things small and wiggly and squirmly (like most kids his age). I like going back to the romantic style once in a while. LOVE the green flower - it was in the superb RAK I got from Carol Wingert. I won a 7gypsies book (intriguing one I must add) plus a LOT of 7g stash - wow - thank you SO much Carol! Anyways...feels like something's missing in thay layout but I'm not quite sure *what*. Suggestions are welcome!
One more week..
..and we'll be invaded by swedes! No really! Well, there will be like four or six swedes heading over this way and two of them will stay at our house for like two weeks. Cool! Most of them have been here already - for the New Year Party - and amazingly enough they wanna experience little Askøy once again. (I could figure more exciting places to visit but hey I'm not complaining! :D). Anyways. It's fun to make new friends through the games we play (which for the moment being is WoW). Just as fun as it is making new friends through this hobby (scrapbooking that is :p) :)
And finally..
we got a fan! A fan in our ceiling! I gotta admit I think the fan is a ..uh... well, not really my taste lookwise...but it feels sooo good that I'm just gonna let that slide! Yeah baby! Bring on the heat! We also fixed the international driving license - we're gonna rent a car in Prague this summer - and apparently need this. Like 400nok for a proof of something we already have which is valid for one year only. Yay. Need to go abroad and rent more cars this year to utilize the costs!
Det har visst skjedd en del i løpet av helgen....som feks det at jeg plutselig havnet hos Pencil Lines DT. Pencil Lines er en skisseutfordringsblog med nye skisser hver uke. Vi nye (ja - vi er fire nye i teamet der) debuterer om en fire-fem uker. Yay! Spennende greier! :D
Ellers har jeg prøvd å rekke over en del utfordringer (som vanlig) - en personlig en jeg fikk fra Smultringen om å lifte Karla Dudley og en til "min egen" utfordring på Papirprat. Digger det bildet av Adrian - har scrappet det to ganger nå, en gang sammen med noen andre bilder og nå alene. Det han holder er reker - reker han har fanget på kaia på hytta vår. Han digger rekene. Tar de opp og "kjæler" med de og sier "hopp! hopp!" og hurra'er når de hopper tilbake til bøtta si ;) Hm. Dette burde jeg scrappe (teksten på LO'en er mer generic). Kanskje bildet skal få bli scrappet en tredje gang, haha.
Gratulerer ania!!! Kjempegøy! :-)
Igjen, gratulerer så mye med DT plassen! Den er veldig fortjent! :)
Nydelige LO'er! SÅ flotte bilder av Adrian!
Ha en flott uke! :)
yea - det fortjente du jo
congrats on making pencil lines! I just found there site through SISTV and I love it!
Weeeheee! Så kult!! Grattis Ania!! :o)
Gratulerer så mye, dette fortjente du :) Du lager så mye flott :)
Gratulerer så mye, Ania! Dette fortjener du virkelig. Gleder meg til å se hva du lager :D
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Looking forward to working with you on Pencil Lines!
Grattis med DT plassen!!! Så gøy Ania!!!!!!!
wish i could trasnlate norwegian but just wanted to say YEAH!! its great youa re on the pencil lines DT :)