Bad Girls is having a kit-giveaway - head on over to ScrapScene for a chance to win the April-kit!!
Also - the Bad Girls kits finally went out from waiting-list-mode this month - finally being able to offer single-kit purchases and allowing people to get a subscription straight away! Yay - that's such great news!
Now, if only my own kit would surface..*grumble* in the meanwhile....check out the seriously fabby stuff at the DT-gallery!! April's Fool Day.. my
Not much happening around here atm apart from me feeling bored of the papers I've got. How come everybody else's got the most perfect papers and I don't....:p Ohwell. Sharing a layout I did in like 20 minutes on sunday right before the deadline of Minnopol at Minneriket. Stressy but fun :) The totally totally ubercool post-it-notes are from Eli ♥♥
Scrappedugnad are gonna have classes at Scrappejungelen in April!! Mari is having one April 7th about vintage and stuff (she rocks that kinda stuff!), Xstine one at April 14th making a minialbum and I'm gonna have two Saturday 19th! More info here!
And April generally seem to be a nice month -- gonna get sleepovers & have a little crop at my place, attend a class with the fabby Celine Navarro, travel to Stavanger and host two classes and get to hang around my girls in Stavanger....yay!! And finally, my littlesis & nieces might come up and visit us by the end of April - yay! (I just can't wait to meet them again - it's been more than 6 months since last time!! Eek!)
Åh, jeg vil på kurs med dere! Kom hit til Oslo, da! Jeg har jo aldri vært på kurs engang! Tenker dere ikke på det, da? Har vært på scrapscene og lagt igjen kommentar! Nydelig kit! Kom det aldri frem? Fantastisk LO til minnopol! Enig i at post it'ene var tøffe!
Anette sier det jeg tenker; har dere noen gang vært her i Trondheim??? En fantastisk by midt i hjertet av Norge. Jeg setter på kaffen tvert...:-)
Råtøff LO!!!!
Sounds like you will have a great April! :) I hope your BG kit will find you soon, can't wait to see your creations then!
GOSH så masse flotte og kreative layouter du lager Ania :))
Ang kamera til Truls, han har fått ett Hitachi HDC-763E kamera. Det har 7.0 Megapixels, zoom og stort display. (Video er det også der gitt)
Han er fornøyd i allefall :))