Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Scrappedugnad & Silje!! ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, April 18, 2008
Ps! Layoutkurset imorgen er fullt, men det er fortsatt noen plasser igjen på shadowbox-kurset 15-18!! :)

Here's my contribution to todays Scrappedugnad, where we had SILJE ♥♥♥ guestdesign!!! She challenged us with fabric - duh, what else?? (apart from paint maybe haha ;) ). Lucky me Mari gave me some fabric last weekend so I had something I could use - only that I'm like, a procrastinator these days...did I mention this already..?? Sooooo I finished it just now (lots of Prima (love Teas & Silk - perfect for old-day-photos - yes - another photo of myself..) and a lil hambly) which means I have two and half more hours to pack my personal scrapping-stuff & clothes and get ready for Stavanger!! (The weather's lovely - YAY! My only regret is that some friends are heading to a cabin for scrapping this same weekend - bleeeeh! I'm sure we all will have fun wherver we are at though :) )

Btw. Sorry for the angle of the layout, had to do an uneven angle due to the light-reflection in the Hambly.

Sooo remember my rant in the last post about six year olds demanding spa and beautytreatments and stuff?

Well lookie lookie - a doc - a plastic surgeon natch - is launcing a book called "My beautiful Mommy" (at Mothers Day in the US ;p). The plot? Not how beauty comes from within - Heaven forbid - it's a book explaining to six year olds that mommy's gonna get a lil nip&tucked. Like. Nosejob, tummyjob and breast augmentations. YEAH that's exactly what I've been looking for for Amalie!

Nonetheless, Mom reassures her little one that the new nose won't just look "different, my dear—prettier!" Naturally, the ending is happy. Mommy is "even more" beautiful than before, and her daughter is thrilled.

Now don't get me wrong - getting stuff done is a personal business&choice but uhm, a book exploiting this & turning it into a childrens book with the values it translates and all? Uh. Once again I just have to quote Perez Hilton; "So wrong, but so right for these times we live in!"

Have a lovely weekend!!! :)

8 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Scrappedugnad & Silje!! ~~'

  1. Lene S Said,'> 12:35 PM

    Nydelig layout! Lenge siden jeg har lekt med stoff på sidene mine..kanskje jeg klarer å henge meg på denne...

    Jeg leste om boken du nevner her om dagen. Jeg holdt på å sette maten i halsen! Hadde det vært 1. april hadde jeg trodd det var en aprilspøk. Verden er jo blitt helt sinnsyk spør du meg...


  2. Eli Said,'> 1:08 PM

    Kos deg i Stavanger og hils hele gjengen :) Vi skal stooorkose oss på hytta, og så får vi forhåpentligvis komme dit en annen gang også - og da får du passe på at du er hjemme og kan bli med!!!! KLEM


  3. Mari Said,'> 3:30 PM

    åååhhh, jeg gleder meg til å treffe deg igjen!! (selvom det bare er 5 dager siden *fnis*)

    rååålekker layout!!jeg også brukte visst det stoffet :)



  4. Rachel Said,'> 4:39 PM

    Good lord woman.. is there no end to your talent??? LOL I am totaly posting your LO on my blog today... so come on over when you have a few minutes to come and check it out!

    As for your mini rant... pleae RANT AWAY! I think that is horrible, and very exploited indeed! I agree it's a personal choice to do something about your body, but I think you still need to be a responsible parent... very fine line doncha think?

    Rach XOOX


  5.'> 7:50 PM

    Drit lekker LO :) haha, ja jeg faar vel vri hjernen og komme opp med noe litt mer orginalt :p neste gang! HAHA :)

    God helg!
    Klem :)


  6. { Kristina } Said,'> 12:55 AM

    Nydelig! :) Likte veldig godt rammen du har laget. Tror nok jeg må slenge meg på den utfordringen, er spennende å prøve nye ting.


  7. Jo Said,'> 8:18 AM

    Hi my daughter is 12 and I have allowed her to have her legs waxed as she was being teased at school, and I wanted to avoid her attempting to shave them herself. She actually is more into grooming now, but still very much a little girl, horse riding etc. Her dream at the moment is to wear a bra but I can see that, that is a long way off, she is so skinny. PS Loving you blog.


  8. Anonymous Said,'> 11:34 AM

    Totally agree with the rant! Bratz have been banned in my house since I sat down with my daughters to watch and was horrified to see two of them had just had nose jobs! (The bratz, not my daughters!) I mean come on people! They are children!

    Ahem. Sorry about that. Great LO. Your talent never fails to amaze me!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-