Quick news...and a (large) peek of sundays PL-layout cause I feel bad posting without these kind of images here kinda :p
Got a layout picked up for Memory Makers Special Wedding Issue - wohoo! :D
I am truly happy because I really love this layout myself...lovely, lovely Hambly making it so easy to create elegant layouts and all that stuff......:D
Recieved my Bella BLVD stuff the other day - soo looking forward to play with the papers & embellishments :)
In the middle of reading "the Graveyard Book" and I LOVE it :)
Oh yeah. I cut my hair. All by myself. Not a good idea. BLeh.
And - Luxe Designs have a special "once in a LUXE-time deal" - image says it all :) Click on it if you're interested in this deal :)
Title: "We will not grow old" - Lenka
So we totally need to see your new "do" now!!! Cough up a picture sweetness.
Congrats on the MM pub! that is awesome :)
congrats on the pub! YAY! i never have any good wedding pictures to scrap! I can't wait to see in the mag! :)