Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~Do you ever wonder who you're losing it for ~~

Posted by Ania On Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mm just sharing two more Fancy Pants stuff for June :)

Materials include:
(top): Papers & stamps from Delight, punches from Martha Stewart, random buttons&ribbons from FP, letters from Adornit and Prima, glimmermist (on the prima-letters).
(bottom): Journalingsheet from On a Whimsy, diecuts from Kraft Kuts, cutout from a sheet of Summer Soiree-paper.

Today is the oldest kids last day at school - a day he's been looking forward to for a good long while. Eight weeks without school - he's marvelling joyously just at the thought of it :) And then he'll start in third grade. *insert long where-the-heck-did-the-time-go-mommy-type sigh here*

Random stuff:
  • Regina Spektors newest album (Far) is gorgeous!
  • Hambly Screenprints just released a peek of their newest transparent sticker-designs! Yum is all I can say!!
  • I got my Nikki Sivils stuff yesterday and I'm happy!!! :D

  • Browsed around and found this image sorta funny (the original game is more than ten years old..I remember the anticipation when it was released...good old times..). Looking forward to this one (although I always found the terrans the most boring races of the three and they're the ones being released first. Mm..)

And by the way - I wanted to let you know that I so totally appreciate every one of you who checks in on this blog just to read, glance, look, get inspiration, quickly scroll past, laugh, roll your eyes, whatever - and mmm, maybe an extra thank you to those of you who take the time to drop me a visible proof of your stay on this blog (I don't want to make those of you who doesn't feel bad, cuz I'm not so good at it myself either so I totally do get you, but at the same time - I am happy every time I get a new comment so thank you for making me extra happy :) ).

Thank you so much for bearing with my less-than-perfect-English (I am aware that I'm doing the same mistakes esp when it comes to the grammar over and over again but I can't seem to correct myself, grr) and thank you for the patience to those who wish I wrote in Norwegian too (I will. Once in a while. Promise. It's just..Blogging in English has just become a habit and double posting in both languages sorta makes the posts even more annoyingly long methinks. Feel free to object!!).

In short - thank you so much - it totally makes me so happy :) :)
(Just wanted to let you know :) )

Title: "Mary Jane" -Alanis Morisette

16 intriguing feedbacks to '~~Do you ever wonder who you're losing it for ~~'

  1. Reija Said,'> 10:43 AM

    Hi Ania,

    I'm one of those who hangs out here a lot... so hi! And sorry for not commenting :). But just to let you know, you are one of my scrapping heroes! I'm in awe and think I have to start imitating soon :). You are mega talented!

    Hugs from London!



  2. Anonymous Said,'> 11:41 AM

    I haven't ever noticed any problems with your English. I love your blog and your layouts are amazing!!


  3. Aquarell Said,'> 2:34 PM

    Det er utrolig morsomt å være innom bloggen din. Du skriver så herlig, og LOene og tingene du lager er knallflotte!:D
    Ha en flott kveld.:D


  4. Brooke Said,'> 3:19 PM

    Thank YOU for the inspiration! And your welcome, even though I'm one f those that has little time to leave a comment EVERY time.


  5. Stéph Said,'> 4:50 PM

    Well, seems to be the perfect day to pop in your blog ! Thank you very much for your blog, full of inspiration for me, and thank you also for your writing in english : so that, me, little french girl, I can read and understand what you write !


  6. Jingle Said,'> 5:02 PM

    GORGEOUS! And here I am proving that I read! LOL! I do love your blog! Your work is amazing and never short of inspirational! Thank you for willingly sharing it with us!


  7.'> 6:46 PM

    holy cow. INSPIRING. for sure.


  8.'> 7:27 PM

    Hei Ania. Kjempefin layout (som vanlig:)) Du er utrolig flink til fargebruk. Og jeg beundrer energinivået ditt. Ustoppelig. Ha det fint i ferien....


  9. Lene Said,'> 8:55 PM

    Jeg er nok en av de som lusker rundt uten å si "HEI!". Sorry! Så: "HEI!"
    Elsker å se hva nytt du har å dele (du ligger på Google Reader så jeg ikke går glipp av noe...) og bli inspirert, spesielt av fargene du bruker.
    Hilsen Lene


  10.'> 9:59 PM

    Lovely layouts and card. They're so bright and cheery, and I love the butterflies. Thanks for the heads up on the new Regina Spektor CD- I need to check that out! Love your blog. :)


  11. Deana Said,'> 11:46 PM

    WAY cute card & LO! :-)


  12.'> 1:21 AM

    I really enjoy your blog and think your English is just fine! I especially am grateful for the blogging in English as I do not understand any other language. Hugs from the USA.


  13. Lula Said,'> 6:45 AM

    Nok en herlig side fra deg. Jeg er innom deg hver gang du oppdaterer, for å finne inspirasjon;) Du har en egen glød over loene dine, som fasinerer meg enormt. Du er en kreativ fotograf og jeg elsker bildene dine og alle de flotte vinklene og hverdagssituasjonene.

    Ha en flott sommer videre!!


  14.'> 6:49 AM

    Hey, I am one of those that just admires your beautiful work in my google reader !!! I was coming to tell you that I LOVE this layout, then I read the other part, hahaha!


  15. HegeAL Said,'> 12:57 AM

    Jeg kan jo ikke unngå å legge igjen et spor etter meg nå ;-) Jeg er innom hver gang du oppdaterer go elsker å se de nye bildene og LOene du deler med oss! Digger virkelig stilen din!
    Og attpåtil er du sååå kos i Real Life også!

    Ha en flott sommer!


  16. ninabakke Said,'> 8:04 PM

    Herlige bilder og LOer du har i bloggen din! :) Kule farger


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-