Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ And she couldn't find how to push through ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, September 11, 2009
This weeks product spotlight over at Fancy Pants Designs was This Girl Die Cut Papers, and I used a small part of the round one to... eh.. round off the top on this layout. Three things to note about this layout. One - I LOVELOVELOVE the photo of me, my mother and my grandmother. Two - I totally LOVE this red, swirly glittery transparent die cut I used as a photomat (I had two and I'm outta both now. Ugh!). Three - I love sticking the bracketed (?) journalingsticker on corrugated cardboard and cutting out a wicked awesome edge. Mm.. and I love the heart-chipboards on this layout aswell, but that'd make it four things I love about this layout. Hm. :p

Just wanted to share this photo I took this morning when walking to the work. I dunno if the hedgehog was dead or just napping (next to the hedgehog..prolly a squishy one by now if it wasn't dead already ;p)..I just felt an urge to snap a few photos before moving on :p

And this was my view - uh - yesterday or the day before that (yes, expect a few diff. images of the same scenery from now on :p All I have to do if I see something interesting outside is to go through the large window next to the lunchroom to enter the roof..and start snapping :) ). The clouds were dark and grey and dull but the sun was shining through making a beautiful upside-down crown sorta shining down. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture its entire glory in the image. Jeje. Something tells me I'll get plenty of oppoturnities to practice anyways... :p

And yeah - some observances re. work (Sorry! It's fun&new to me!!):

  • Having people call me by my name is weird. I'm not entirely used to it, and am contemplating asking people to please just call me by my nickname. The longer it takes it harder it is to ask about that though.
  • Same with presenting myself to people when at work - I have to remember to present myself by my name, and the entire name, and not my nickname or my first name only. (And yes, my family (apart from my mother :p) and friends all call me by my nickname)
  • Despite being pretty exhausted by the end of the day I am throughoutly enjoying my newfound 8-16 life. I get do a few mistakes, learn to do and shoot different stuff and best of all - I get to work with a medium I really enjoy - photography.
  • One of the journalists I've been working with the most just found out we've actually studied together (or rather, been to the same classes - way back when my oldest was a wee little baby and I attempted to study Nordic at the University..she majored in that field and when I mentioned I had studied it too she was like - ooh I knew I had seen you before - you were the one with the baby in the classes! haha :p)
  • Working at a newspaper is so so so intriguing and I couldn't have found a better place to start! I am so loving every little aspect of this..... hope this feeling will last :)
  • I have to say. What a difference a good lens will do!! The paper is a small, local paper and all the journalists all have their own workcameras, which I've been borrowing as there's no extra bodies atm.... so I've been trying 350D, 400D, 40D so far...all Canons..and a wide array of lenses ranging from ugh kit-lenses to the super darn heavy (but awesome) 70-200 f/2.8... and well, it basically comes down to the lens imo... it's superinteresting getting to try out different things (although the perfectionist in me prefers to use my own camera because it's the one I know best and I love my lenses and I do want to deliver good pictures when it comes to the quality of them sorta.....but it's not always possible to use my own camera due to the limitations re. my I really oughta learn to use the cameras available rather than relying on my own, which' own personal one :p It's a handy backup-camera tho :p)

Anyways. Have a lovely weekend, and send me a positive thought or two as I'm about to embark a long, long hike tomorrow and it's raining cats and dogs atm :P

Title: "Moonlight Shadow" -Mike Oldfield

7 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ And she couldn't find how to push through ~~'

  1. Eli Said,'> 9:08 PM

    Så supert å høre at du trives så godt i AV! Det var meningen at du skulle dit vettu :) Og turen i morgen; du får tenke på oss som skal sykle 36km i enda mer regn og enda mer vind :P HUSK å sende mms og ikke minst; klagesms`r *knis* Kos dere!! KLEM <3


  2. _Kine Said,'> 9:23 PM

    Pinnsvinet var IKKE dødt! Han bare lå der og hvilte seg litt, for så å tusle fornøyd hjem til sin pinnsvinkone. Til middag spiste han nøtter og tyttebær, og nå ligger han trygt under dyna si og sover. :]


  3. Anonymous Said,'> 11:34 PM

    Great post. Good vibes. Your new J-O-B sounds exciting. Oh, and the layout - love everyting about it too! Bises, D


  4. Staci Taylor Said,'> 2:21 AM

    Way cool LO, ania! You always combine product so well! Congrats on the new job - sounds exciting!


  5. Christine Said,'> 9:42 AM

    så godt å høre at du trives i jobben :D jeg visste det var noe for deg, tenk så mye kjekkere det er enn å jobbe i et studio ;)


  6.'> 12:51 PM

    LOVE this page!! I love all the dimension and patterns- gorgeous!! Best wishes with your work too!


  7. Ann-Katrin Said,'> 12:25 PM

    Så stilig layout!
    Lekker og spennende bruk av ark lag-på-lag.
    Takk for at du deler ;o)


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-