Started Thursday by paying my friend Gyda a visit, and to practice babyphotography on this little three-week-old buddy. Really looking forward to get home and be able to take a proper look at the pictures and edit them and stuff :) I suspect there are quite a fair share of photos w/wrong focus etc because a) I didn't notice the focus was set to continious in the beginning, which sort of sucks when I focus them recompose the motif...thought it was weird focusing from my side, cough.. b) with such wide apertures I used (used both the 50mm f/1.4 and 24-70 f/2.8 with max f/2.8 aperture in 99% of the pictures) there's bound to be a few "wrong" ones. We'll see when I get home..I learned that I really ought to practice more (surprise). WTB babies!!! :p Thank you Gyda for letting me practice with your yummilicous little boy!!! (and I hope you'll discover his real name soon) :)

Then I met up with those oh-so innocent girls - thanks for spending some time w/me and for the chat!!! :)

The it was back to Dok:10, starting with a debate wheter Norwegian photographers maybe ought to look closer at our own backyard (Norway and the Norwegian people) instead of wanting to shoot things abroad (or rather, saving the real entusiasm for the exotic projects abroad). Very interesting debate which felt pretty motivational to me. Author Frode Grytten opened the debate with some amusing personal observations. Again, I only have my own personal experiences (and a short one at it) from the local newspaper, I wish I knew more about how the larger papers really work re. photographers and projects. Hopefully I'll get some firsthand experience soon...?

Then there was time for Ukranian
Viktor Drachev to share his photos. What hit me (and most of the spectators I would assume) was (hmm...were? *uncertain*) his uncanny eye for The (Comical) Moment, I really really adored his pictures and the quirkiness that often was present - at least for the photos he shared (although he did have quite a few more sober photos, like the one above).

Then there was time for Australian
Philip Blekinsop. He wanted to provoke, and provoke he did. The first series he showed, from Bangkok like 20 years ago or so were.. I really liked them, they were fascinating and strong in all senses - but at the same time you have to be aware of the cultural differencies re boundaries about death and stuff..in that sense it seems he really did walk the talk - in his case document life as it is there and then...hm. He also had strong opinions about post procession or rather, in his view (it seemed?), photomanipulation at worst - and he seemed to be an adamant purist. While some of the public spontanously applauded his sentiments, he ended up in discussions with others about his point of view. Interesting guy.

Sometimes I'm too vain for my own good. This time I decided to wear the high heels.

Which is sort of NOT a good idea when the weather outside is like this. I ended up meekingly (meekly?) having to ask my steph-father to please come and pick me up because I couldn't bear the thought of having to walk home in the snow and stuff w/the stupid not-made-for-snowwy-winters-boots....*cough*
Right, off to bed, gonna visit my sister tomorrow before Dok:10 in the evening :)
Ps....those wanting scrappy stuff...sorry - just ignore these posts..will be back on Sunday w/scrappy stuff! :)

Bra du tok bilde av skoene dine tilslutt; var alle de proffe gått da? *fnis* Du er nå søt da; på med high heelsene dine uansett vær, vind og føre. Veldig Aniaish :) Høres og ser ut til at du har det toppers i Oslo; heldige du som får treffe både den ene og den andre! Kos deg videre and keep up the sms`ing! :) *klem*
Høres ut som du har det helt supert i Oslo :o)
Herlig baby bilde da!
Og må bare henge meg på Eli her, ang støvletter ;o)
Håper du får en ny super dag i tigerstaden :o)
Hehe, støvletter er ikke det rette skotøyet i Oslo om dagen nei. Vi våknet til 15 nye cm med snø i dag morges!! Det høres ut som du har det supert på tur da, så fortsett og kos deg du :)
Innocent? Kine is about to shout out the back of my head! lol!
Takk for i går! Kjempekos å se deg igjen! Jeg tar gjerne imot bildene du tok :) *smile pent*
God helg!
Ser ut som at du har det knallbra i Oslo :D