Yes. I'm crazy. I'm totally assimilated into a hardcore-scrapper. I think I just proved it. Why? Well. I got this old-time friend on MSN. We've played a lot together on the MUD since I was like, uhm, 16 or 17? (or well -- we didn't play together -- I didn't really know him well back then but that he was a dangerous person who already killed me twice without me understandig why cause I was just an innocent little dorf mindin my lil own business around the crossroads :P -- later on I got some boyfriends who knew him and we started to actually talk & play together and stuff) and it was him who got us started with EverQuest and all that. We've even met once when me and Simen hit Texas uh....like 7 years ago :P Anyways. I digress. As usual. Bad habit, sowwy.
Right. This picture on MSN -- he's since become a father - a *very* proud one -- and his babyboy is just the cutest thing!! Soooo when I saw this particular picture on MSN I just IMMEDIATELY KNEW how well this one would match with my new Scenic Route papers which was incoming....LOL.... So...I asked him for permission to get and use the picture, and sure enough, I got them & when the papers arrived I saw to my satisfaction that indeed -- they DID match EXCELLENT *beam* And well...here's the result - Scenic Route Hampton papers, Heidi Swapp chipboardalpha & some QK stuff I borrowed last night at the crop (and yes, I know the last word "man?" was put a bit too far from the others..slight imbalance there...ohwell). And ofcourse -- Ethan! :D Ain't he totally adorable??? Such a cool little man :D Thanks a lot for "borrowing" him Adam & Jessica!! :D It's soon inc in the mail - hope you'll like it.
Jess..jeg er sprø....scrappegal.....og jeg tror jeg nettopp beviste det. Hvordan det lurer du kanskje på (og tenker at det var på tide at jeg innrømte akkurat det) - jo --- så dette bildet av babyen til en kompis av meg på MSN -- og visste med EN GANG at det bildet var HELT PERFEKT til de nye Scenic Route arkene som da var på vei til meg. Og joda -- spurte og fikk låne bildet + noen til, og da arkene kom var det ingen tvil -- jeg MÅTTE scrappe det bildet!!
Så -- møt Ethan folkens :D Og forresten -- det var deilig å scrappe noen andre enn mine egne...blir jo litt lei nå og da :D
Ja, nå var du pittelitt gal altså *knis*
Sååå kult og crazy....
Layouten er kjempeflott, og det er en perfekt match mellom papir og bilder, men det var jo det du visste *knis*
Har du sjekket LSS, jeg tror alle, foruten Kathrine, er ute desverre!
Nei, altså, det der er å gå over alle grenser, Ania! Noe lignende har jeg ALDRI tenkt! Jeg har ikke kjøpt meg "wild asparagus-kjole" på h&m, for eksempel. Nope! Ikke tatt bilde av nabobarna fordi de har på seg klær som matcher noen mønsterark jeg har heller! *tihi*