The layout
Soooo the skirt-picture kinda did inspire me and as the photo for the assignment I originally was supposed to work on didn't really turn out that great and I didn't find out until late and thus had to wait for today to retake the photo I figured I might aswell get started on that (skirt) photo instead. So there! I was challenged to do the All About Eve challenge (scrap your booty) plus I wanted to do the ScrapJack #2 (Meghan Dymock), so I did both challenges in one and same layout - what is that called? When you manage to do two things at once/fit two things in one ...eh..something..? Anyone?
Anyways. Kinda like how this turned out, and I esp LOVE that I was able to use (to me) real OLD stuff on it - the pp is from an old Scenic Route collection (Harvest), and the alphas from Lil Davis - I LOVE them but they keep sitting on my shelf like, forever...esp the big blue ones...other stuff include the big Heidi Swapp photocorners & blingborders...and the MM alphastickers..
There was a question on Minneriket about styles - she asked if we felt we made layouts in diff. styles according to the theme/who we were scrapping for - separating the styles of pics of the kids and pics of ourselves. I hadn't really thought about that, but now one thing hit me; yes - aside from the thing that I sincerly feel that I do a lot of diff. styles randomly I have noticed that most if not all of my layouts for such blogchallenges as the Dares, ScrapJack and OLW have been on the more.....hm...what to call it....whimsical, laidback, urban-street-kinda-style-side. Kinda? For contests and assignments however I usually stick to the more "nicer/prettier" style... hmm... I think. Ohwell. Something to think about?
Things to come
Tomorrow is sunday, and sunday = pencillinesday. Tbh I'm not too satisfied with my own layout - a bit too boring (but the theme is an important one to me), but -- I'm very very excited to see what the (fab!) guest-designer have whipped up - and ofcourse the other ladies interpretion of the sketch - which was a bit interesting one designwise - at least to me :) So make sure you tune in to Pencillines tomorrow - and please ignore my poor layout :p
And aside from the Bad Girls Patrol there's even more stuff planned for Bad Girls everywhere - now, I hate the word (I think it's overused) but I really really am thrilled to see how that will turn out. It will be rockin' for sure :)
Moar photostuff!
Intriguing - photography is dead, and here's the proof. Thanks to stalking Scott Kelbys blog I keep finding lots and lots of cool photolinks - like finding this exciting photosite called The Online Photographer, where both of the above links could be found plus the link to the Wedding Photography 101 (one of the most amazing and most informatical (is that a word? :p) reads) and many more. Oh yes, I'll be stalking this site from now on! No, I have no real illusions being a real photographer, but it sure is damn fun reading up on such stuff and maybe maybe like 0.05% of this will actually stick into my brain and help me further. Besides. I think it's fun read :)
Det er virkelig gøy å være med på diverse blogutfordringer - men når utfordringene en har så lyst til å være med på blir alt for mange så er det enda gøyere å kunne flue de sammen, sånn som på denne layouten her. All about Eve hadde en utfordring som gikk ut på å scrappe rompa di (vel, jeg følte ikke heeeelt for akkurat det men det ga meg en ide til et tema og bildet er da rimelig "snilt" eller hva :p), og denne ukens ScrapJack gikk ut på å lifte en ganske så kul layout av Meghan Dymock. Så - da slo jeg bare sammen begge utfordringene - lagde en scrapjack med AAE tema. Me smart! ;)
Ellers er det søndag imorgen og det betyr seff. ny Pencillineslayout, og jeg kan ellers fortelle at foruten Bad Girls Patruljen som jeg skrev om igår så er det en del ting & tang som er under planlegging hos Bad Girls og jeg kan iallefall love dere dette er tøffe saker!
Ps! Lindakvakk - ja - jeg husker deg - samme klasse/trinn som Andreas eller noe sånt? :) Veldig hyggelig at du synes det er kjekt å lese bloggen min og det jeg gjør på :)
"Killing two bids with stone" tror jeg det er du leter etter? (Det er dog litt mer brutalt enn vårt "slå to fluer i en smekk"...)
Kul lo :D Alltid like stas å få brukt opp noe gammelt, da kan man liksom justify-e (ooo, bra norsk) å kjøpe noe nytt! Gleder meg masse til å se hva du lager for Bad girls!
Killing two birds with one stone ja, det var det ingunn lærte meg også, selv om uttrykket to birdy ikke høres like bra ut som å flue.
Kul LO!
Dødskul layout og stilig tema!!! Virkelig mye spennende du driver med om dagen. gleder meg til å se det du lager for bad girls også.
Helt genialt å flue litt da:)
Herlig Ania!!!!!!
Så kul LO! :)
Ha en fin lørdagskveld! *klem*
Love that layout Ania. Wish I had legs like yours.
fun LO..
and way to go with muti-tasking the challenges.
This is cool!!! nice to scrap something different!
Thaks for your kind comment on my blog Ania! Your works are great!!!! Hugs from Italy
i can't ignore this!! totally in love with the whole thing!! ;)
thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my Creative Blogs.
Your blog looks fun and full of creativity too. I'll come back for a longer look around soon.
Love it!
Love this one!!! Great LO girl!
love your cheeky take on the challenge!
jk x
Great page, love that title.
awesome layout!!
nice one!!!