Looking for the weddingpics? Scroll down past this post ;p
Love ScrapJacked. Love challengeblogs in general actually. So much fun and in a way so different from the "normal" contests and challenges at random forums around kinda - they feel more laidback & relaxed. Anyways. Sorta stressed with finishing my September-DTstuff for Bad Girls. Esp. since I wanted to join ScrapJack aswell & didn't realize the deadline for that one was today (yesterday). Sooo finished the last layout and altered project, mailed them away (I'm so nervous & excited about this one by the way! Really hope I managed to do the kit justice kinda - it's so pretty! And yes I guess all those on DTs keep saying that about "their" products, but it really is oh so true here :p). Checked the time and it was "only" 1.30am so I was like....right! Next layout! (only my third layout for today and I did an altered item aswell...I've been productive ;p)Figured the timediff would work for me as it's still tues over there so I'd be able to finish this one before the deadline aswell :) So. This is my littlesis - she just got herself a new SLR - Nikon d40x - ofcourse we had to take pictures of each others during my brief stay at her place last weekend :) So. 7gypsies pp, may arts ribbon, sassafrass lass stamps and a page from a random nikoninfomercial I had lying around :)
Adding some photos from my visit to my sis aswell -- totally in LOVE with the wonderful lightning in her livingroom - so so so perfect for photosessions! Dang I'm so jealous!
And oh. I was kinda feeling a bit let down today but then I got the swedish Scrapbooking mm magazine in the mail and noticed they had one of my layouts featured. Yay. Felt a lil better then. Just a lil. Not my favourite layout but ohwell. Wonder when they'll feature the second layout they requested..I liked that one better.....and wonder when I'll get them back. Jeje. Zzzz now.
En liten post for mine kjære hjemme i Oslo (eller, søs bor langt ute på landet nå da haha); en LO med søs og noen ikke-bryllupsbilder fra helga. Digger lyset i stua til søs - nydelig naturlig lys som er helt perfekt for fotosessions! Vil også ha en sånn fin og lys stue!! Hrmf! (Ikke bli sur på meg nå søs...digger det bildet av deg...nydelig!! Miss you!)
Så kul layout til scrajacked!:D
Og mange flotte bilder!
Gleder meg til å se hva du har laget av Bad Girls Kitet!
Du er så effektiv og flink så jeg er sikker på at det er kult! :D
Og grattis med publiseringen i Scrapbooking m.m.!
Ønsker deg en fin dag! *klem*
haha, jeg er også sånn når jeg er på besøk hos folk, tenker at "dette er perfekt fotolys, heldigen deg som bor her". høhø! her sitter jeg i den mørke og triste kjelleren min og er supermisunnelig :P
Så utrolig tøff scrapjack'en din blei! Og bildene dine blir bare flottere og flottere. Du er så flink!
Du er så effektiv at jeg nesten blir litt stresset av å komme inn her å skjønne alt som du får gjort som ikke jeg rekker LOL! Kul jack.
great jack!!
Heei nydelige bilder bortseeeeett meg ;)
Men Lo u har laget av meg var stilig :) Send noe bilder over hit!!