Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ My big boy ~~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yesterday was the day; the day that my big boy hit elementary school. Surely it was a special day..? Well..he insisted on keeping the apprehensive attitude - you know, the "I-don't-really-buy-into-this-school-thing-mom-what's-all-the-fuss-about"-attitude. Ohwell. As long as I'm allowed to take pictures I'm happy - he'll figure out the school thing soon's good that he's got this laidback approach to school no? That way he won't be disappointed and rather pleasantly surprised if he finds out it's not that bad...or..?
At least he has friends in his class + older cousins attending the same school.

Love the two latter photos - he went like; "Look out Amalie, car incoming!" and reeled her in towards the edge of the road to make sure she was safe while the car drove past :)

Alright. I've got a "friends album" project going on here w/ a lot of the Norwegian scrappers at Minneriket - need to make 25+ minipages about myself before sept 15th. Starting early so I can take a break when I get bored of this hehe.

Så var tiden kommet - første skoledag for skolegutten vår! Joda - her var mamma'n fortsatt mer fornøyd med tanken på store gutten enn gutten selv - "jada mamma" var svaret til spørsmålene mine om det ikke var spennende å være skolegutt og sånn. Noe særlig spent så han ikke helt ut til å være på det første bildet heller...ohwell. Satser på at det går bra med skolen for det - han har venner i klassen som han kjenner fra før av og hans to eldre fetre går på samme skole. Digger de to siste bildene forresten - det kom en bil kjørende og Adrian, som ellers pleier å påpeke overfor meg "det kommer en bil nå mamma!" passet godt på Amalie som stod ved siden av ham - dro henne inn mot kanten og holdt fast på henne hehe.

15 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ My big boy ~~'

  1. Salte Said,'> 2:01 PM

    Så god han er med lillesøsteren sin!! Viser vikelig at han er storebror!


  2. Anonymous Said,'> 3:11 PM

    Grattis med stor skolegutt! *mimreformangeårsiden* Moro å se hvordan den største passer på den minste.


  3. Anonymous Said,'> 3:26 PM

    what sweet sweet pictures!!!!!
    i can't believe school started already!!!!
    any package from me???? hehehe


  4. Christiane Said,'> 4:06 PM

    big congrats to your big boy!! great pics!!


  5. _Kine Said,'> 4:41 PM

    Kule bilder! Personlig digger jeg det første. Kule farger, også liker jeg uttrykket hans. Kult at du har laget deg egen brush da!


  6. Kathrine Said,'> 5:13 PM

    Så flott skolegutt!


  7.'> 5:20 PM

    Herlige bilder, så skjønne :)
    Gratulerer med skolegutten, tiden går fort :)


  8. Celia Said,'> 6:04 PM

    those pics are just wonderful!!! LOVE them!!!


  9. Heidi Said,'> 11:53 PM

    Grattis med stor skolegutt! Neste år er det min tur også...*dåne*


  10.'> 1:04 AM

    for en flink storebror! Kjempe soete bilder!!! :)


  11.'> 10:29 AM

    wow scool starts early lovely photos aniia xx


  12.'> 12:07 PM

    gosh those photos are just way toooo cute! love the faces when the got out of the way of the car too!


  13. iris Said,'> 2:46 PM

    Wow he is such a good big brother. I can't wait to see more of your LOs and what you will do with the bad girls kit! I love your work.


  14. Aquarell Said,'> 7:06 PM

    Flotte bilder, og så flink han er til å passe søsteren sin.
    Gratulerer med førsteklassing i huset. ;)


  15. Hege Said,'> 7:05 PM

    Gratulerer med flott skolegutt!


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-