First - have a look at this week's guestdesigner at Pencil-Lines!! Ingunn!!!! YAY!!!! :D Layout no. 2 is my interpretation of her sketch. Flipped it and made room for journaling :) I used Basic Grey, Daisy D, American Crafts and Fancy Pants brackets. The photos shows Amalie w/ long hair, at the hairdresser & w/ short hair.....nuff said...*sniff*
AND!! Did you see??? YAY finally we can reveal that Yuko and Janine are on the team aswell w/PL! It's been a loooong month (and some more) for them haha...poor them, I recall when I was new and was about to join PL - I think we had to wait 4-5 weeks after the DT-announcement before we could really be a part of the team (as in having our layouts shown with the rest too)...I was getting a lil antsy in the end :p So looking forward to their fabulous layouts along with the rest of the PL :D Gonna miss seeing Kimmy and Anam w/us, but ahwell - life moves on as they both got lots of new and exciting stuff taking more of their time.
Layout no. 1.....well..sign-language is my mother tongue, and I don't think I've made a layout about that yet. So. A page for my BoM I guess..it was made for a contest where you had to display one of your talents and use a specific technique...pardon for the blurred out journaling, but kinda felt that was a tad too personal so I prefer it blurred atm. Bazzill, Daisy D and American Crafts...and ranger dabberpaints.... painted the edge of shot-glasses to make the circled background. Love how it turned out :)
Now, Helena tagged me - thank you! - and although I've been tagged with this one before I think it's kinda fun to do it, so ... here's seven more random stuff about me :D
- If there are people drowning, diving, getting strangled or suffocating or whatever on TV I always hold my breath too.
- If I have a menu at say McDonalds I have to alternate between eating fries and burger. Don't make me eat fries first then the burger next as some people seem to do!
- I prefer my chocolate cold. Mmm straight from the fridge :D
- I started hanging out at a BBS in 94. Internet and IRC shortly after.
- I've played MUD's (mainly FR-MUD), EverQuest and World of Warcraft.
- I love getting comments on my blogposts. Always makes me smile seeing what you think and than you enjoy (??) my posts enough to take a little of your time to post something - thank you so much! :) I love my stalkers too...I'm a notorius stalker myself aswell ;p
- If I think my layout is missing sewing I'll whip out the sewing-machine np - but if my clothes or whatever needs some sewing-work I just let it be - cba using my sewing-machine to do fabric-stuff...I might like, break it or something like that..
Yey!! Ingunn er vår gjest denne uken hos Pencil-Lines!!! Håper mange nordmenn kan bli med på denne, liksom..."kom og støtt om vår Ingunn"..... - lag en LO av skissen hennes og send den inn til Pencil-Lines.... er du riktig heldig kan det godt hende du stikker av med denne månedens sponsede premie....som er en kit fra Bad Girls!! :D Bare sørg for at LO'en sendes inn innen månedens utgang såå :D
Kult, jeg håper jeg rekker å lage en LO av Ingunns skisse.:D
Flotte LO'er du har laget - som vanlig! Jeg digger den kule stilen din!!!
Ha en flott mandag! *klem*
Så kult... Superflott LO du har laget etter den flotte skissa:)
Ingunn er råkul.. må se om jeg ikke får tid til å levere et bidrag:)
Jeg har også lyst å prøve meg på Ingunns skisse - kjempekul! Og det var din tolkning også!
BEautiful layouts again!! You rock. :)
And thanks for your warm welcome! :)
love your pl layout this week (always do :) )
Tomorrow I am seriously going to do the tag you left me....I think they are so fun too...just need to get my butt in gear!!
Woohoo! Herlige LOer som vanlig!
Og jeg må også alltid legge sjokolade i kjøleskapet...mmm...
Kjempeflotte LO'er!
Kanskje jeg skulle prøve meg på skissa til Ingunn?...
Så flott den Lo'en om morsmålet ditt var, liker de rufsede kantene på "matten" og stilig med tegnspråk"kartet" ! Amalie ble så søt med ny klipp. Forøvrig en veldig flott Lo det også- likte at bildene var inne i klammerene:D