Yay I'm home!!
Being away is nice and swell but coming back home....ahhh :)
I did have quite an enjoyable time - I got to meet mom, my stephdad and my uncle - I got to teach scrapbooking all day (and got quite a few projects done aswell in the evenings in the apartment while Amalie was asleep - 2 PL-Lo's and 1+2 secret project-LO's wrapped up! ;P).... I got to watch Amalie do more and more signing each day... I got to see how well she bonded with her grandma....whom she doesn't get to see too often as she lives in Oslo (and we're at the other side of the country).....
but truth to be told...I've missed home. I've missed my regular scrapbook-corner (had to postpone two projects because I needed photos or stuff at home :p), I missed my very own bed and I missed my hubby & kiddo. Oh, and having my own pc with my own inet-connection (can you believe - we didn't get the wireless network to work until the last evening before going home. Duh. Ohwell. Prob why I got so much done in the evenings anyways being wo net) :p
Anyways. At home my Bad Girls December kit greeted me - YUM! Seriously I don't know where Wendy gets that from...she always finds those fabulous RARE stuff for her kits..... totally in love with the gorgeous trims......... ahh..... I shouldn't say more - I just know I'm totally looking forward to like, do stuff with this kit this weekend.........:)
I'll leave you with a photo of the canvas I did for Sri's class at the Christmas Workshop - totally LOVED this idea so I made all my students do this project aswell on uh, weds :) They came up with all sorts of creative ideas for this one :) Anyways. My version. Orange. Yum. Love to make those colors spill kinda...Hambly, AC thickers, embossed AL stamp & a delicious ribbon which was a leftover from a previous Bad Girl kit :) I made a blue version of this one for my class aswell but forgot to photograph it - it's now in Oslo cause it's gonna be a pressie for my grandma,...ohwell :)
Anyways. Bedtime. Will see if I can put up some more photos tomorrow - haven't unloaded the photos from this week yet (what's wrong with me? :p)
that is a stunning canvas. i want that tag thingy!! glad you had a good time. i think missing home make the trips worthwhile.
Dødskul lerretsdings, jeg skal våge meg på noe sånt en dag selv, takk for inspirasjonen!
Og deilig å være hjemme kan ejg tenke meg, jeg har jo bare vært borte et par dager selv og syns det var en evighet *hihi*
Gleder emg til å se hva du har laget hele uken!
OMG chick - that canvas is AWESOME
Great canvas. Mika
love that canvas hun!
Amazing! Love it!