Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ Random musings just because ~~

Posted by Ania On Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Do you think it's possible to brainwash your own kids? Like, every night before I go to bed I usually go to the kids room to turn off the lights...and then I whisper into their ears that "mommy and daddy loves you sooooo much". Sometimes I add "You know that right?". And sometimes they halfnod in their sleep. Cheesy eh? And would that be considered brainwashing them? If so it would be of the good kind woudln't?

Some randomness today.
They are doing a lot of..uh..constructionstuff around here atm...which involves blowing up the ground/mountain every now and then. And every time it happens I think there's someone downstairs slamming the door a little too hard. So I have to go down and look. Like just in case. Even though I know it's the explosions. *rolls eyes*

Love this tea from IKEA!
Was positively surprised. Although I'm no teaexpert. I just taste stuff and decide wheter I like it or not kinda. And I love me some honey or sugar in my tea. Sweet and stuff. I bought this one and the pink one with a heart on it. At least I think it was a heart. Me = guppy. Psst. That's the Swedish flag on the teabag. Norway is NOT the capital (or city or whatever) of Sweden. Just so you know. *smile* ( I told you this post was random )

Borrowed these books from a friend of mine. Love me some Sandman!!!
(Graphic novels by Neil Gaiman. Speaking of Gaiman. His book Neverwhere is out on the web for free for the moment being. Both as an e-book and available to read online. Hm. I wonder where my copy went. It's supposed to be here somewhere. And oh, I got to read Stardust this summer. I don't know. I liked it, but I also liked the movieversion. Is that like, blasphemy? Seeing as the book and the movie was quite different. I don't know if I would have liked the movie if I had read the book first. And oh, his newest book "The Graveyard Book" is out by the end of this month!)

Oh and before I forget - I'm quite rude that way - keep forgetting stuff all the time. Thank you so much for all your comments & hellos to this blog :) :) And thank you miss Annie Mous (haha, funny one. Glad you explained that :p) who commented my slider twice. Really funny - made me laugh a lil. Thank you :) (yeah I'm easily amused :p) And uhm, the slider is from 2007, I guess I better fix one for 2008 considering we're waaaaay halfway into 2008 already eh? *adds to the todo-list*

7 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ Random musings just because ~~'

  1. Kathrine Said,'> 10:52 AM

    Knis. Venter du på pakke Ania?


  2. _Kine Said,'> 11:03 AM

    Den teen er kjempegod! Høsten-tetid :D Og Sandman er kult. Jeg har kjøpt de "ultimate Sandman" eller hva de heter til Sindre, gigantiske bøker hvor alt er samlet, også er de skinninnbundne... *swoon* Utgavenerd? Jepp! Han kommer forresten med to barnebøker i høst tror jeg?


  3. Heidi Said,'> 11:53 AM

    Haha nå fikk jeg lyst på te, så nå står vannkokeren på her. Her i gården går det i en løs vekt te som heter "i bestemors hagen" eller noe sånt. Den er like god kald som varm.

    Ha en fortsatt fin dag!


  4. Aquarell Said,'> 11:57 AM

    Å, det er godt med te... :D
    Kanskje prøve å finne en ny, god te snart?
    Ha en flott dag!:D


  5. gudrun Said,'> 5:35 PM

    Hærlig med litt random avogtil.
    Fikk meg til å smile ihvertfall. :)


  6. Sasha Farina Said,'> 6:00 PM

    loving your randomness.. heeehee :D


  7. Anette S Said,'> 10:07 PM

    Nam! Te!
    Jeg har begynt å tenke på å kjøpe meg alle sandman. Nå koster de jo egentlig ingenting på amazon. Til nå har jeg lånt de på biblion og kjøpt de bøkene som kom på norsk til en billig penge.


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-