Spent all day at home w/Amalie, who was sick - well - she's coughing a bit and have rosey-rosey cheeks, but otherwise she's her usual self. She loves everything pwincess these days, as well as wabbits, so she was kept entertained playing "Josefine" on the pc, watching youtube-clips of Pingu and watching "Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White" on dvd. Oh, and we baked too - ofcourse. Nothing's like fresh baked lunch hm?
Finished reading "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" by John Boyne for Adrian, after having heard about the book from Tracie. Albeit I found a few passages slightly hm, clumsily (annoying "pedagogic" repeat-stuff), in the end it's quite moving. Although. I have to admit I haven't read the middle-parts as I've been away for a while :p I liked the Norwegian translation ("Røveren" - Fury, Alt-Trist - Out-With). And well. Adrian seemed to like the book, or well, he loves being read to in general....but when asked if he liked the book he shook his head. He didn't like it because of the ending (I kinda explained that one to him - they're killed in one of these "showers" in Auschwitz). He seemed to like "The Wolves in the Wall" by Neil Gaiman too, and laughed at the ending, but when asked if he wanted to re-read it he shook his head - it's a bit too scary he admitted. Hrm. I'm such a bad mother for putting him through such books? He is after all a bit sensitive...ohwell...we'll see how Amalie handles these books when she grows up =)
Anyhoooooow..........am itching to share some new scrappy stuff -- am working diligently on the BG December kit..putting the finishing touches to the last layout atm actually... but in the meantime....I tried out for a PageMaps sketch call, but didn't get picked up so I'll show it here instead. Love to combine 12x12 and 8x8 from the same line- very cool! :) The papers, chipboard and rubon are from Fancy Pants "the Daily Grind", the journalinpad from MM and the transparency from Hambly. Love these photos :)

Oh. And normally I don't really respond to "blog-candies". Company ones maybe, but otherwise, naa. BUT. This one is for a good cause and I do want to do a shout-out for Salte aka Linda..... she's shed 30kgs so far (66lbs)!!! WAY TO GO, I am so happy and proud of you!!!!!! You and people like you are nothing short but amazing and I totally admire and respect your will and determination (hand out some please :p)! *cheers* *big hugs*
Check out the Luxe Holiday Card ideas - with focus on being frugal. Nice! And speaking of holidays - don't forget that the Bad Girls Christmas Workshop is still open -- 22 amazing classes available with just one (or uh, two or three at least :P) click! :D And Norwegians - this time there's like, 4 classes out of 22 made by Norwegians so do check it out and show us some support! :D
Okes. Got a Hambly project I'm dying to share w/you, so check back soon :)