WOTLK arrived yesterday.
The long awaited expansion to World of Warcraft.
We quit WoW like, in the spring or so. Tried Age of Conan and Warhammer Online some, didn't really catch our interest (although I must admit I enjoyed PVP way more in Warhammer than I do in WoW. I totally suck at PKing in wow :( ) Anyways. Came back to WoW a few weeks ago in preparation for Wrath Of the Lich King. And yesterday, the game arrived. Adrian was totally happy as seen on the piccies :p He got up at 6.30am this morning just to play the game before school. Heh. He thinks that death-knights are the coolest thing ever, since he gets to start one at level 55 and not 1, which makes this the highest toon he's played ever (apart from mine/my husbands characters). Oh yeah, he's happy about that for sure :p
And me? Well. It's kinda typically that the expansion launced last midnight now that I am leaving home for almost 2 weeks. Yay. Guess my husband's gotta level us up without me :p
Oh also, we kinda revieved Aurora Polaris, our guild from EverQuest. Mal even went ahead and registered aurora-polaris.com (some nitwit got aurorapolaris.com after we dropped that domain, grr) & made us a forum - if you by some tiny weeny chance were involved with AP or WAP in the good ole days - do drop by :) (Fat chance any of you guys are reading this blog but ey still a tiny chance I guess :p)
Right. Off to Oslo.
Concert tomorrow, visiting grandma on saturday and well, classes next week. YAY!
See ya around :)
BTW!!! OMG!!!! Dexter!!!!!!! Just learned from Danielle Thompson that the guy playing Dexter (Michael C Hall....swoon) is dating the girl playing Deb in real life...who's like, his sister in the show....OMG *faint* lol.
Just. Had to share. *cough*
Tenkte jeg måtte kommentere ungene dine, for de er bare sååå nydelige!!!
have so much fun on your trip!!
good post