Get off the cross we need the wood

About Me

Maybe-not-really-20-something-anymore from Norway who likes to scrapbook and take photos documentarystyle and dreams of photojournalism when not working as a photojournalist and that's pretty much what this blog is about. And I like it this way.

My Scrapbooking

Been scrapbooking since late fall 2005. Currently fortunate enough to be a part of the design teams for Hambly Screenprints, Fancy Pants Designs and Pencil-Lines. ♥


~~ My Dec Daily: Day 1 to 5 ~~

Posted by Ania On Friday, December 17, 2010

Everybody and their mothers are making these, so why can’t I? =)

My memory is pretty fuzzy, but I don’t think I’ve done a Dec Daily before. I do remember creating a pre-made album once, to make it easier for me. I never started on the actual daily though. I guess I should browse my blog to double-check, or go look in the pile of minialbums I’ve got in a box, but…someone’s feeling very lazy =)

Nevertheless. This years daily started pretty late – I think I started the first one on monday or tuesday – but ohwell. Better late than never? Just have to remember to finish this one…

What’s making the daily pretty easy so far, is that I’m starting to love to take snapshots with my iPhone. So I’ve decided that all my images for this mini will be iPhone-pictures. Also, I’m making the pages one by one – with grand plans to bind it together once I’m done. Or something like that. We’ll see :)


Day one: papers from the older Pink Paislee Christmas collection “Mistletoe & Co”. Love that one. Tags from Elle’s Studio make the numbering so easy (Christmas Mix & Match Vintage Number Tags – love this one, hope I have enough for all the days – I know I’ve used the tags once or twice before on occasions). The “Believe” tag is another Elle’s Studio-tag, from their Christmas-release this year :) And speaking of Elle’s Studio? They have a FREE shipping day, today (Friday) only – for both US *and* International orders! (love the latter – hate it when us Internationals usually are left out on free shipping ;p)


The inside – about this years Christmas-calendar.


The next day was created with Kraft-cardstock and Hambly Screenprints stuff. Brads from Nikki Sivils.


Love the festive yet stylish cool rubons SmileAlso – woodgrainpaper = love Smile


Day three: this time with Crate Paper’s Snow Day collection SmileLove the dimensional chipboard-pieces SmileNotice todays closure? Good old 7gypsies! Smile


The inside was created with bits and pieces also including more Christmas-tags from Elle’s Studio Smile


Day Four: Love this tag! Pink Paislee’s Father Christmas-collection this day – with flowers from Petaloo.


We had a lovely evening with mother in law this day, sampling the goodies I brought home from France and playing cardgames all evening. Everybody agreed this was a great way to start the season with :)


Day five: More Crate Paper Snow Day! Love the fabric brads Smile


This is as far as I’ve come atm. I hope to get to do a few more this weekend, and more important – I’m really enjoying creating these small pages for my mini SmileI think I will keep it as clean as I’ve done till now – it makes the work easy and easy = fun Smile


I’ll probably bind the album together with either bind-it-all or loose rings – haven’t decided yet. If you’re wondering how to create this mini – these are my measurements: the whole page is 6x9 inches long – and I fold the long end at 5 / 4 inches, as shown in the picture above. Because it’ll be an open flap I create closurethingies for each pages – till now I have used either the brad-method (hm, does this kind of closure have an own name?) or the smart little 7gypsies-thingies (and uh, what’s the name of these?? Smile with tongue out).

Thanks for looking and wish me luck in actually completing this mini in the end, uh? Smile with tongue out

Have a lovely weekend Smile


Oh, and by all means – do check out the amazing holiday-event over at Crate Paper. It’s seriously rocking! And the giveaways – um, yes thank you! Smile

3 intriguing feedbacks to '~~ My Dec Daily: Day 1 to 5 ~~'

  1. Lene S Said,
    12:58 PM

    Så stilig! :)))


  2. Nora Said,
    6:20 PM

    Så utrolig fine sider, gleder meg til å se resten:D Jeg lager December Daily selv, litt sånn når jeg har tid :) Har vel laget 8 sider så langt eller noe...litt enklere enn dine da ^^ De kommer nok på bloggen en gang.


  3. 1:53 AM

    Looks like you are off to a great start! Love the size of this album.


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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.

-Tori Amos

    -Get off the cross we need the wood-