Funny. It's alternating between like, total blizzard & calm serenity outside atm. And just my luck - there was some fake terrorist-alert at the airport in Oslo, so several flights are delayed and stuff. It *seems* like my flight have stayed clear of the delayment, but you never know...Amalie is asleep atm - decided to put her to bed at six considering her grumpy mood and the fact that our flight is late in the evening w/the added treat of being even more delayed. I've only seen her fall asleep just like that once or twice like, without being in her own bed or carriage. And we'll travel light this time.
Anyways. Been tryin to wrap up some stuff last-minute. I'm terrible that way. So typical me. Some pictures I just had to scrap for DW2007 (frame a large picture with small pictures around) (please ignore the silly "fish"), a card for Adrians friend (bdayparty tomorrow) and a card for dad. Time to fly! Cheerio~
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"But the bad news," he said "Girl you're a dandelion."
Dandelion. Hey I need to think about that.
-Tori Amos